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Keeping Things Consistent

creative writing, Editing, aurora house,

Calendar Icon January 30, 2017

Consistency when writing a novel—actually, when writing anything—is an essential ingredient to creating a strong story. Your writers might get a little frustrated if you spend half the story telling them that your protagonist’s bedroom is the second door on the right and then suddenly start saying it’s the third…

Choosing the Right Verb

creative writing, Editing, aurora house,

Calendar Icon January 16, 2017

Verbs are an essential part of any sentence, but not all verbs are created equal; there are two categories of verbs: weak and strong. Strong verbs should always be chosen over weak verbs. Strong verbs hold the power to grab the reader’s attention and convey exactly what is happening: creating…

Shh! Show, Don’t Tell

creative writing, manuscript editing, aurora house, don't tell, show, writing tips,

Calendar Icon January 03, 2017

If you’ve ever taken a writing course or read a book on how to write a novel, you would have been told ‘show, don’t tell’ at least once—perhaps several hundred times. But what exactly does it mean? Telling is when you tell the reader facts: what’s happening, how someone feels,…

Shh! Show, Don't Tell

aurora house, don't tell, show, writing tips, creative writing, manuscript editing,

Calendar Icon January 03, 2017

If you’ve ever taken a writing course or read a book on how to write a novel, you would have been told ‘show, don’t tell’ at least once—perhaps several hundred times. But what exactly does it mean? Telling is when you tell the reader facts: what’s happening, how someone feels,…

Setting the Scene

creative writing, Editing, aurora house, setting,

Calendar Icon October 29, 2016

  Setting is one of the key ingredients to creating a novel that readers can immerse themselves in. Without settings, your characters would be aimlessly wandering around on blank pages talking to each other. The reader wouldn’t be able to experience the world the characters were in; they’d be more…

Active Voice Versus Passive Voice

creative writing, Editing, aurora house,

Calendar Icon October 09, 2016

As a writer you’ve probably been told at one point or another to use active voice and avoid passive voice—perhaps it was even a teacher’s comment added at the end of a high school essay. If you’re anything like I was before I studied grammar, you probably scratched your head…

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