Professional Manuscript Editing

We offer Manuscript Editing as a stand-alone service, or as a prelude to publishing your book.

Your manuscript is an important document and editing your work correctly is vital – it can mean the difference between a contract with a publisher, and no contract at all. Author and editor collaborate to tune the book to reach its highest potential. With this accomplished it can be presented to a publisher with confidence. Our  qualified Australian manuscript editors will bring your work to its highest potential.

Although your work is of a high standard, the author cannot pick up all the errors due to the emotional closeness to the work. This is where the editor comes in – with a objective view, they scrutinise the manuscript, amend errors, and where necessary suggest alterations to improve the flow of the story.

The usual Aurora House process of editing is that the manuscript goes back and forth between author and editor until both are happy with the result. The manuscript then goes forward for the next step of proofreading, which is the first stage of the Publishing Process. Our Manuscript Editing Services Australia are undertaken by fully trained and qualified editors.

You can then seek a publisher, or it can be passed onto our publishing department for proofreading, typesetting, cover design and then onto the printer (see Publishing Your Book) for publishing and worldwide distribution. Our authors are kept close and are involved every step of the way, checking and double checking, along with the editor and proofreader to ensure the best possible outcome. The editor can also assist with suggestions for cover design if requested. Our Australian manuscript editors are all fully qualified in editing and proofreading. 

If you are submitting your manuscript for editing only, please ensure the following guidelines are followed:

  • A cover letter giving details about yourself, your book, and any previous publishing credits
  • Brief synopsis – 400 words or less
  • Manuscript must be typewritten; we do not accept handwritten manuscripts
  • Full manuscript only in MS Word format
  • Title Page is to contain your name, address, phone number and word count
  • Manuscript to have your name and title of book in the header on every page
  • Page size A4, one-sided with double-line spacing and text in MS Word 12-point font
  • All pages must be numbered

There are three types of editing – Copyediting, Structural and Proofreading.

Copyediting Services Sydney

We are national and international and our services include copyediting, but does not involve structural editing – it looks for consistency and flow, accuracy and clarity. It checks for punctuation and spelling accuracy. At times copyediting can overlap with structural editing.

Structural Edit

Also known as content or substantive editing. This process checks the content, style, language, layout, presentation, chapter, characterisation and consistency, story, audience suitability, strengths and weaknesses and general structure. It also ensures the author’s ‘voice’ is clear and is a much more in-depth edit and recommended to ensure your manuscript is ready for a publisher.

Manuscript Proofreading

This is the final stage of the editing process. Proofreading is usually performed after the main edit and first draft print run is complete to check for any typos, punctuation, correct page and chapter numbering, that all deletions and insertions have been carried out and the allotted ‘style’ has been followed. When proofreading is complete, the final copies are printed or formatted for downloading as an eBook.

At Aurora House, your manuscript is proofread after the main edit before going to the typesetter, when the typeset PDF is available, and again when the eBooks are created.

Any matters of fact included in the work will be deemed as correct and fully researched by the author. Aurora House takes no responsibility for incorrect facts after editing the manuscript and/or publishing is complete.

Please note that any printed manuscripts must be accompanied by a disk or electronic copy as all editing is performed on screen using MS Word and Track Changes. If no email address is accessible for returns while editing, a printed copy can be mailed and will include all amendments.

The editing fees below are for copy editing with minimal structural changes. Manucripts are usually a mix of copy and structural editing. For heavy editing, the manuscript will need to be assessed before editing can take place.

Editing Rate:


Editing Rate per 100 Words:

Copy edit:
$2.70 –  $3.90  per 100 words

Structural edit:
$3.40  –  $5.20  per 100 words depending on the amount of work to be done, it could exceed these figures for a very heavy edit if it requires the editing to ‘ghost write’ parts of the manuscript.

Most manuscripts are a mix of both copy and structural editing and the fee will be assessed according to the work required. Once we sight your entire manuscript, we can give an accurate quote.

We offer three payment plans:
1. Full payment before commencement of editing.
2. A deposit of 50% paid at commencement of the editing contract and the balance paid over one or two months.
3. 50% on signing Editing Agreement and payment by installments, spaced throughout the editing contract, with final payment before completion.

When submitting a manuscript for Editing, please submit via our submissions form  below and attach manuscript and completed form. We will assess your level of editing required and contact you. Please submit in MS Word only.