We are proud of our authors, and their achievement, and love to show them off. Feel free to click on any author to find out more about them and their book. Rebecca Lott Lachlan Hughson Sergio Faminao Tim Neilson Lee Jae Kwon Helen Parry Jones Joan Miller Chris Nyst Vani Twigg Mandy Partridge Andy Butcher Ben Cossari Dr. Colin Mendelsohn Elizabeth Howard Sue Grocke Sarah Clewer Glen Bowyer Joseph Cheng Ronelle Smith Harald Osel Alison Sweeney Tony Smith Gigi Sedlmayer Mark Eyles Tom Clark Douglas Faudet ALexia Saint Claire John D Cosh Linda Lattin Chez Rafter Tanya French Prof Michael Tirant Liam Higham Paul Allin Malcolm Wood Brian Paul Williams Bailey Vaughan Tihana Babic Sue Lintern Leanne Demers Valerie Barrow Graham Blewitt Sarah Wallace Ben Tiffen Peter Sinodinos Vansh Sharma Ben Whillas Kate Hansen Helen Porteous Rhondda Kemp-Mottau James Charles Hearn Scott Newman Doris Platt Phillip Dowsett Tom Reynolds Georgette Noellat Laura Roso Kellie M Davies Brett Lee Michelle Roberts Peter Clarke Frank Cianfagna Melissa Hume Natalie Condello Barbara Woodwoard Brian Murphy Catherine Blake Helen Liebling Karan Sotoodeh Kate Dakin Marion Brownlie Linda Lycett – Founder of Aurora House Izaz Khan Warwick O’Neill