At Aurora House, we will encourage you to fulfill your potential to the highest standard of your ability and help you gain confidence with yourself and your work. If unsure about your work, a Manuscript Assessment with Full Report will help you along the way.

A Manuscript assessment is an excellent way to reveal any points that need attention before an edit takes place. This tells both author and editor what type of edit will be required to bring your manuscript to publishing standard, if your manuscript requires a little more re-writing, and whether the story is fully realised.

Please remember that our assessments are based on one person’s opinion, and you may seek other advice as well if you wish. Our editors always take into consideration the voice and style of the author when assessing their work.

The manuscript must be original and your own personal work. Any matters of fact included in the work will be deemed as correct and fully researched by the author.

We provide manuscript assessments in fiction, non-fiction, self-help, spiritual (not religion), adventure, fantasy, mystery and murder/mystery.

An assessment report will include:

  • Presentation
  • Title suitability
  • The plot and its development
  • The flow of the story or information
  • Pace of the story
  • If the characters are fully extended, or lost somewhere along the way
  • Address the suitability of the topic for the intended audience
  • If any re-working is required
  • Use of dialogue
  • Strengths and weaknesses of the novel

There will be some feedback on grammar and spelling, but manuscript assessment is not an editing service and therefore does not cover these details. Spelling and grammar are addressed during the editing of the manuscript.

Requirements for Assessment Submission:

  • A cover letter giving details about yourself, your book, and any previous publishing credits
  • Brief synopsis – 400 words or less
  • Full manuscript only
  • Manuscript must be typewritten in MS Word or PDF format; we do not accept handwritten manuscripts
  • Title Page is to contain your name, address, phone number and word count
  • Manuscript to have your name and title of book in the header on every page
  • Page size A4, one-sided with double-line spacing and text in MS Word 12-point font
  • All pages must be numbered
  • Stamped self-addressed envelop if you wish your work to be returned

Our manuscript assessments are non-biased and completed by experienced editors. They will give an honest review and recommend which type of edit will be necessary to polish your manuscript for publishing.

Below are the fees for the Assessment service.

PLEASE NOTE – ALL AUSTRALIAN SUBMISSIONS ASSESSMENT FEES ARE PLUS 10% GST – if unsure, please contact us before submitting your manuscript for a full assessment and report.

All Manuscript Assessments are priced at $395 + $0.35 per 100 words.

For example, an Assessment for a manuscript of 50,000 words will cost:
$395 + $0.35*(50,000/100) = $570

All Manuscripts over 270,000 words price to be quoted and for Children’s books under 5,000 words – Please contact us.

Please note: All fees are in Australian dollars.

To submit a manuscript for assessment, please download and complete the Manuscript Assessment Form or complete the form at the end of this page. You can submit in MS Word or PDF.

When submitting a manuscript, please include payment for the assessment required on number of words. Payment can be made by money order, Paypal, or Credit Card (via Paypal). For international clients, payment may be made by bank draft (Australian dollars), or Paypal.

Please make Money Order/Bank Draft payable Aurora House and mail to:

Aurora House
P.O. Box 12
North Richmond
NSW 2754

Please mark your payment as Manuscript Assessment for (your name) to ensure your payment is allocated to the correct area.

In submitting your manuscript for Assessment, you are agreeing to us performing the assessment and understand that the assessor is critiquing your work on a non-biased basis, and any criticism is purely about the manuscript and not meant as personal criticism about the author.

Aurora House reserves the right to return any manuscript, together with any payment submitted, without comment if we do not wish to proceed with the assessment.

To download the Manuscript Assessment Form Click Here

or complete the form below and attach your manuscript. When your payment is confirmed, we will proceed to assess your manuscript. Please submit in MS Word or PDF.

    Alternatively, you can email y our manuscript and form to and attach documents to the email.