Online Book Tours!

Have you published a book and its not doing much? Have you promoted your book to the best of your ability? Have you thought of an Online Book Tour?

Online Book Tours can get your book in front of thousands upon thousands of people!

We have listed some of the more popular online book tour sites. Explore your possibilities! Grab your opportunities! Organise a book tour for your book!


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Popular Children’s Author Gigi Sedlmayer interview

Well known and popular children’s author Gigi Sedlmayer interviewed by Uvi Poznansky

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Who inspired you to start writing and how did your craft develop since then?

Surviving cancer and finding myself still alive after two years of just sitting around, but still locked after my two little girls and my husband, Albert, I finally came to my senses again. Since I couldn’t work at a traditional job any longer, I couldn’t stand or sit too long, Albert, my husband, taught me how to use a computer. I started to write, since there was nothing else for me to do. In the beginning I wasn’t sure, in which language I should write. But then I decided to write in English, since my English became better and we live in an English-speaking country.

I wrote many short stories and entered them into competitions and often got very good reports back, which gave me confidence to go on writing and inspired me to go on. One of the short stories was about Talon and Matica. Judges from the competition loved the story and so I thought, I could develop a series about Talon and Matica. And so the TALON series came to life.

And my English is getting better and better and my ideas as well. My head is full with great ideas for the next books in the Talon series.

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Dogsled Racer Blazes Trail for Visually Impaired Readers and Cyclists

Rachael Scdoris, a 28-year-old outdoors enthusiast, has been a competitive dogsled racer for well over a decade. Thanks to the National Library Service for the Blind and Physically Handicapped (NLS), a division of the Library of Congress, she’s been an avid reader for the past year.

Scdoris was born and raised in the wilderness of Bend, Ore., where she traversed mountains and deserts on the back of a sled with her father, who spent 36 years as a musher—a trail his stubborn daughter was determined to follow no matter what. Scdoris was born with a rare vision disorder called congenital achromatopsia, robbing her of colors, distinct shapes and many layers of depth. But her flat, fuzzy world was more of a challenge for others and their misconceptions than for her.

To the legally blind musher, a disability is a mere state of mind. “What it really boils down to is people saying ‘Well, if I were visually impaired, I couldn’t do it, so clearly you can’t.’”

The 2003 decision to allow the teenage Scdoris to enter the Super Bowl of dogsled racing, the Iditarod, was “a major controversy.” She competed in the Iditarod three times after that—through blizzards and frost bite—before the word “gimmick” was finally laid to rest. Now, as a fully established racer, Scdoris is waiting on major sponsorships before undertaking the Alaskan legend again.

In the meantime, Scdoris juggles a variety of balls—including training for her newest competitive interest, tandem cycling, giving commercial sled-dog tours and caring for more than one hundred huskies. That’s a kennel the size of a football field.

In 2012, Scdoris was also a guest speaker at the national conference of libraries that partner with NLS to provide extensive reading materials in audio and braille to people with visual or physical disabilities. She first started receiving books through NLS programs as a child but didn’t use the service again until last year.

“They told me about all this cool technology they’re using to make it easier for their patrons, and I really wanted to take advantage of that again,” said Scdoris, who favors authors like Paulo Coelho and Christopher Moore. “What takes most people 20 minutes to read would take me an hour or more. To have the book on audio and be able to listen to it faster than most people could read it—that was a nice thing.”

But, even when the self-proclaimed bleeding-heart liberal is enjoying political reads, her furry teammates aren’t far from her mind, “They’re amazing. The definition of teamwork is many individuals working toward a common goal. They’re all individuals but they become such a unit when it’s important. I’m kind of the leader, caretaker of that. I’ve been doing this my entire life, and I’ve tried to explain it my entire life, and I really can’t. It’s a feeling unlike any other.”

If you or a loved one are blind, have low vision or can’t hold a book due to a disability or illness, the NLS talking-book program will help you keep reading for free. To learn more, visit or call 1-888-NLS-READ.


Amanda Starling – Featured Author

Mumma to Be – Amanda Starling

Every hiccup and foreign moment I endured I wanted reassurance and peace of mind. From that moment I was prompted to record my journey. My words began, freely, candidly and honestly. Initially I was writing for my baby thinking it would be a great keepsake for when she was older – I’m such a realist thinking so far in advance! Perhaps she will be mortified to know how candid and forthright I was. I began writing everything, I knew I couldn’t count on my memory (baby brain); everything I thought was relevant I wrote down throughout my pregnancy.
My intent behind ‘Mumma to Be’ was initially for my baby girl, then it changed direction slightly as I began writing for all first time Mums. I took it from a light hearted point of view to enable the reader to get a sense of realness and comfort from my words. Read more