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Shh! Show, Don't Tell

creative writing, manuscript editing, aurora house, don't tell, show, writing tips,

Calendar Icon January 03, 2017

If you’ve ever taken a writing course or read a book on how to write a novel, you would have been told ‘show, don’t tell’ at least once—perhaps several hundred times. But what exactly does it mean? Telling is when you tell the reader facts: what’s happening, how someone feels,…

Shh! Show, Don’t Tell

manuscript editing, aurora house, don't tell, show, writing tips, creative writing,

Calendar Icon January 03, 2017

If you’ve ever taken a writing course or read a book on how to write a novel, you would have been told ‘show, don’t tell’ at least once—perhaps several hundred times. But what exactly does it mean? Telling is when you tell the reader facts: what’s happening, how someone feels,…

Setting the Scene

creative writing, Editing, aurora house, setting,

Calendar Icon October 29, 2016

  Setting is one of the key ingredients to creating a novel that readers can immerse themselves in. Without settings, your characters would be aimlessly wandering around on blank pages talking to each other. The reader wouldn’t be able to experience the world the characters were in; they’d be more…

Active Voice Versus Passive Voice

Editing, aurora house, creative writing,

Calendar Icon October 09, 2016

As a writer you’ve probably been told at one point or another to use active voice and avoid passive voice—perhaps it was even a teacher’s comment added at the end of a high school essay. If you’re anything like I was before I studied grammar, you probably scratched your head…

How to Bring Your Characters to Life

creative writing, writing, manuscript editing, aurora house,

Calendar Icon September 24, 2016

Some people may try and tell you that creating characters for your novel is as easy as selecting an age, gender, hair colour, and goal. But it’s not that simple. If you want your characters to compel readers to care about them enough to read your entire novel, then you…

How to Battle through Writer's Block

aurora house, creative writing, writing, manuscript editing, writer's block,

Calendar Icon September 11, 2016

You’ve woken up, eaten breakfast, and have sat down in front of your laptop. You open the file titled Best Selling Novel and push open the door in your mind that grants you access to the fictional world you’ve spent the past few months creating. You poise your fingers above your laptop’s keyboard,…

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