Talon, Encounter


Chapter 27 excerpt

Talon turned once more and flew directly at Pete and Zed, without Matica telling him where to fly or what to do. It was all Talon’s doing. He was the one mocking the poachers and teasing them. He had a lot of fun doing that. Matica was a bit hesitant – what if they shoot at them? – but did the most of it, even though her heart raced and wanted to escape her chest. She only hoped that Pete and Zed were stunned enough not to shoot at them and kill them both.
Talon flew at Pete and Zed and Matica, putting all her courage together, yelled down at them as they approached. Looking at Pete she yelled, ‘Hey, you down there, Pete. How are you? Surprised? Can’t believe that I’m flying on my condor?’ When Talon turned once more and they flew over the poachers again, Matica shouted at them, ‘BECAUSE HE IS MINE! HE IS NOT YOURS TO DO WHAT YOU WISH WITH HIM. And that would be shooting him down. No way!’
Even though Matica was brave and said these words, the truth was, her heart was racing even faster. She was so afraid and shaking all over, trying to steady her voice, which she believed she achieved. She also tried to restrain her heart and her hands, holding on at Talon’s neck, but hadn’t much success with that. But she wasn’t finished with them yet, what she wanted to tell them. She had to set their heads right that Talon does not belong to them, that Talon belongs to her. Talon sensed it, so he turned once more and flew towards the
poachers in the hope they wouldn’t come to their senses yet and would indeed shoot at them.
Pete and Zed followed them with their eyes, but didn’t raise their guns to shoot at them. They were still too dazed to see Matica on the condor’s back, flying with him and even talking to them.
Talon and Matica were in high spirits now, watching them like a hawk, watching their movements, to see if one of them would raise their gun and shoot at them.
Matica had her eyes closed to calm herself and to think what she could tell them, but as soon as they were close to the poachers again, Matica opened her eyes and yelled once more, ‘You see, I raised him, as you must know since you took his egg from the nest on the mountain.
So believe me, he is mine.’ And then she stated, ‘And the scar on your head? Well, that’s what you get when you want to have property that doesn’t belong to you.’ She grinned brightly as Talon stretched out his talons to frighten them, flying directly over Pete and Zed, screeching and laughing. They dropped to the ground, screaming in horror and dismay, covering their heads with their hands.
‘Good on you, Talon. They are too afraid to shoot at us now. Well done.’
Becoming bolder as she slowed down her breathing. Matica laughed out loud but saw her opportunity as Talon flew around them. She yelled out again, ‘Hey you, you can’t shoot my condor down, you know. It’s illegal. You hear me? IT’S ILLEGAL. Anyway, they’re my condors, not yours. They belong to me and to the village people here. You have no right to do what you are longing and planning to do with my condors.
Go home or something really bad will happen, before my condor hurts you once more, ugly one. And never come back.’ She laughed uncontrollably, nearly sliding off of Talon. Just then Tamo and Tima joined them at either side, laughing with Matica and Talon.
The poachers sat up, still stunned, following Talon and Matica with their eyes. ‘You cannot do that,’ the ugly one yelled out, lifting his free fist up.


Chapter 33 excerpt

No one, not the villagers, or even Matica and Talon, heard or saw them coming. They came, silent as night, soundless and without flapping their wings, Tamo and Tima just appeared and landed right in front of the poachers, wings stretched wide, staring them down,

The poachers tried to run but the grass was slippy and they fell, sliding toward the condors, all the way screaming.
The condors awaited them, grunting at them and smiled.
Finally they came to a halt, just in front of Tamo’s and Tima’s talons. Pete and Zed stared horrified at them, not knowing if they would kill them. They lifted their arms to protect their heads and faces.
Tamo and Tima looked at them, not smiling anymore, not grunting anymore. They just stared down at them. Tima with red burning eyes, and Tamo with grey burning eyes. Next Tamo, very quietly and slowly, lowered his head and pecked Pete in his stomach with his open beak. He screamed out and tried to slap his beak and head away with his hand. But Tamo bent away, grunting angrily. Tima did the same with Zed, and he also wanted to slap her head. It didn’t work. Then both poachers tried to escape from the condors by crawling backwards on their hands and feet, kicking their feet at Tamo and Tima, quietly whining. But Tamo and Tima didn’t let themselves get irritated by these actions and followed them, staring at them with burning eyes and elongated necks.
The crowd was so still and wondered and watched what the condors would do to the poachers or if they could quickly capture them. You could hear the wind in the leaves of the nearby bushes, it was so quiet.
Matica couldn’t see what was happening as she was behind the crowd, but she saw Tamo and Tima landing by the poachers. She grinned mischievously, knowing what they could do to them. She ran now through the crowd with Talon following behind until she stood in front and just saw how Pete in desperation kicked at Tamo.

Suddenly, Pete stood up so fast and ran that not even Tamo had time to hold him back. Zed followed him. Tamo and Tima looked after them, screeched and ran to get airborne to follow them.

‘Way to go!’ Matica yelled at them, holding Talon back as he wanted to go after them. ‘Talon, let them have their fun.’ Talon nodded.
The villagers cheered and clapped their hands.
Pajaro motioned his people to charge after them.
Tamo and Tima circled quietly over the charging villagers and escaping poachers. Flying low, they dive-bombed at the poachers again. The villagers cheered at them. Tamo flew so low after the ugly poacher that he rammed him on his shoulder with his claws but leaving no marks on the man. But Pete fell to the ground, screaming and believing that Tamo had hurt him again. However, after feeling his shoulder where Tamo’s claw had scraped him and noticing that his overalls weren’t torn, or blood on his fingers, he just shook his fist and swore loudly. Tamo flew off, laughing.
Then Talon, watching and learning and thinking that this is fun, took off and followed his parents. Matica couldn’t hold him back. Flying over the poachers, he rammed Zed the same way his father did with Pete but not hurting him either. Zed fell to the ground not far from Pete with an ugly look on his face, feeling at his shoulder. Same as with Pete’s, his overalls weren’t torn and no blood seeped through the material. Not even their long hair was messed up from the strong wind their wings had created flying so low over them. It was glued to their scalp from the poo of the condors.
Not expecting what the condors did, they sat on the ground for a while longer to recover from the shock that they were nearly scratched and wounded by the condors again. But not to be a big target for the condors, they bent down their heads between their knees and folded their hands over their heads to protect them just in case the condors’ came back and really hurt them this time. They waited for a while longer.
Tamo and Tima weren’t far away. They watched the poachers. They would assist the villagers in any way if they plan to capture them…



Read more about Talon, Encounter 

Wheels of Mizfortunate

A Rude Awakening

As I opened my eyes I was dazed. Somehow I knew this was a hospital room and I was lying on a narrow hospital bed, unable to move. When I saw the nurse enter my room patting her hair and looking around, I remembered why she was curious; it was in my long-term memory. I guessed she was primping in case I had visitors. She knew I was a cosmetologist as many of my visitors were friends from that corner of my world. In a hazy, shadowy way, I remembered her as she was coming in and going out of my room. Until today everything had seemed to shift in and out of focus.

Today I saw her clearly. “How are you today, Linda?” she asked. When she finally looked at me, I flipped her off with my middle finger, on the only hand I could move. I was angry. She doesn’t care how I feel, I thought. She’s busy primping her hair. She won’t even bother to look at me for an answer to her pretentious inquiry. She ignored my rebellious gesture and kept walking toward me with the food tray, which had a big hypodermic needle filled with pureed food on it. Because of the tracheotomy in my throat I could not eat and swallow food; I was fed by a tube that led directly into my stomach. Feeling frantic, I plugged the hole on my tracheotomy tube with my index finger and tried to talk. Oxygen was pumped into my lungs through the tube in my throat so I couldn’t breathe when the hole was plugged. As I tried to talk, gasping I said, “Please, don’t feed me, I am still full. My stomach hurts.” I croaked as clearly as I could. That did not slow her down. She kept walking closer to me. I frantically pointed my finger at my communication board, to the tile that said ‘No food’. She wasn’t paying attention to me. She was going to hurt me again. What could I do to make her stop? Why won’t she look at me?

I’m awake! Which one of us here is incoherent?! She saw that I was agitated, and as I touched my throat she lunged at me. I quickly yanked out my tracheotomy tube. I must have passed out. I was later told I had pulled out my tracheotomy tube before, and tried to yank out the tube in my stomach also, probably for the same reason. The staff always justified my struggles with them by saying, “She is going through an angry stage.” I had been going in and out of a coma for several weeks but it felt like forever at the time! I remember the food assault happening frequently and what they did to me. If they had bothered to read my chart they would have seen in 1978 I had surgery that divided my stomach and altered my intestinal track. As a result, I could only eat small amounts of food, and only when I was actually hungry. I weighed ninety-seven pounds at the time of my accident, so I obviously did not over-eat. Seeing the nurse approach me with that hypodermic needle filled with pureed food on the tray meant more torture for me. I had to take desperate measures to stop them; I was supposed to be the ‘sick one’!

When I next opened my eyes I was confused. I did not know where I was, or what to expect. My throat hurt dreadfully. Everything hurt so much! At least this time when I was conscious again my hand was not tied to my body or to the bed – as had happened before. They would repeatedly tie my hand to the bed when I tried to communicate something to them. My left hand and arm was the only thing that I could move or use and they would ignore me or deprive me of that! I am truly amazed I managed to survive my medical care. I was only trying to talk to them. They kept hurting me. Why weren’t they nice to me?

Who Am I?

As I lay alone in my room my mind was numb. I seemed to be going in and out of consciousness again. I had no idea what had happened to me or why I was there. I was confused and frightened when anyone visited me, although I was happy when I remembered some people in the group of strangers. I was very confused when they told me that these three boys who visited me were mine. I thought they were too big to be my sons. After some convincing, I was told that the last two or three years prior to my accident had been wiped out. My boys felt bad that I didn’t know them. It was especially confusing because I remembered some people who were strangers to them. My boys had been with me throughout my recovery and the conditions of my memory just added to the confusion for all of us. My youngest sister Joyce married a guy that I knew in high school and gave birth to her daughter Sarah on Valentine’s Day in 1985. I didn’t know what to expect about ‘my life’ so when she walked into my room at the nursing home so that I could see her, I asked Joyce if she was my baby. Joyce just laughed and wryly said, “You have always wanted a daughter, but this one is mine.” By the middle of March 1985, I was conscious more than not and managed to convince my family and some visitors that I was awake. My family went through an erratic range of emotions as they realized I was awake and in some cases I don’t know if it was fear or delight! ~smile & wink~

I was sent back to Ramsey Hospital to be diagnosed so they would know what to do with me. The hospital performed tests on every level to determine if I was truly coherent. They removed my tracheotomy, along with all the needles, tubes and other medical paraphernalia. I could croak answers to things pertaining to different areas of my body, but aside from that I did not know much. I was confused, uncomfortable and as frightened about life as one would expect. But fortunately I also had a survival mentality I was not aware of at the time and that gave me enough confidence to overcome many of the would-be obstacles! They removed the feeding tube in my stomach so I had to re-learn how to eat. I had no strength or coordination in my body. The only movement I had for almost five months was limited to movement of my left hand and arm.

At the time I did not have much going for me. Therapists from the Saint Paul Rehabilitation Center, SPRC, began working with me in March when they knew that I was going home. SPRC saw me as no one else did. They did not see how much I had lost, they saw my unlimited potential. I thought they were crazy. I was confused by the things they would ask me to do, and I was just as confused at my ability or inability to do them. I was a mystery alright, and I think God was the only one who was not surprised! Many of the doctors at Ramsey Hospital were amazed that I survived in the first place, now I had recovered enough to go home! They knew first-hand how seriously ill I had been. I may have survived physically but my psyche; awareness and my sense of self were dead and gone.

Welcome back to the world lady… I was an empty/injured head on a broken body! I was sent back to the nursing home for therapy to do some basic physical things. I learned to sit up, but did not have the strength required for sitting up for any length of time. Even fifteen minutes was too long – I was like a jellyfish and had no muscle control anywhere on my body. I slowly slouched down as I sat in my wheel chair, or any chair I was put in. I had to learn to ‘transfer’, even though I had no idea what a transfer was yet. A transfer is the ability to go from my bed to my wheelchair, from my wheelchair to another chair, the car, the commode, or the toilet, etc. I was not able to help much when I tried to transfer. I was like a baby; literally a vegetable in every way. I was told what to do and how to do it. I had to learn how to breathe, eat, and how to breathe when I ate. I re-learned a little basic hygiene such as washing my face and how to brush my teeth, although I had fewer teeth to brush. Three of my front teeth were broken in half when I hit the steering wheel. The impact also caused several of my molars to split in half and eventually fall out. My mouth was like a battlefield, I never knew which tooth would fall next! ~toothless smile~

Speaking was a problem, as my voice is Dysarthric because the tracheotomy tube was left in my body too long. I began to re-learn to talk, which was an unexpected challenge. Trying to articulate, as I learned to breathe while I was talking was a big challenge. That was tough – breathe and talk at the same time? I took a breath for each syllable in each word. My verbal talking was choppier than this written explanation. ~smile~ I now know, thirty years later, there were a few people who regretted my re-learning to talk. Dad used to tease me and when I discovered I could tease right back it was all over for him. When he started calling me ‘nightmare’, I said, “I’m just getting started Dad!” My sarcasm was apparently another natural instinct. I obviously inherited it from dad, and I quickly re-learned to play off it.

I sure miss him. Every now and then when I do something really stupid (not too rare) I look up at Heaven and say, “That dumb move was for your entertainment Dad!” ~smile & wink~

Flames of Rebellion excerpts

Chapter 1 On the Bullock Track

Around mid-morning the next day Tom led the team through a heavily timbered section of the track. Patrick was walking alongside the dray absentmindedly filling his pipe with tobacco. He was concentrating on pushing the leaves in with just the right pressure, so he didn’t immediately  notice when Tom started pulling the team to a halt. When he looked up, he saw four men file out onto the track in front of them. All four had handkerchiefs over their faces and a pistol each. One of the men rode forward slightly ahead of the others and stopped. He wore a bright green sash around his waist, a woven straw hat and matching green ribbon tied around it. Patrick thought the get-up made him look a bit effeminate, but something about the way he held himself suggested he wasn’t a man to be taken lightly.

“That’s far enough for now,” the leader of the outfit said. “You’ve probably guessed by now, we ain’t the welcomin’ committee. If you’d be so kind as to keep your ‘ands where I can see ‘em, me and the lads will just ‘elp ourselves to anything you ‘ave of value and you can be on your way.”
“We’ve got nothing of value, ya fool.” Tom said as he placed the end of the long whip handle on the ground, rested the top against his shoulder and raised his hands. “We don’t get paid until after we deliver the load.”
He glanced back at Patrick and something in his eyes told Patrick that the removal of their valuables might not yet be a foregone conclusion.
“Aye, but what sort of a man gets around without a nice watch buried
in his coat pocket in this day and age?” the bushranger snarled.
“I’ve just left Her Majesty’s care after fourteen years,” Patrick exaggerated.
“I’ve got naught but the clothes on my back, Sir.” He had noticed the machete on the front of the dray. It was out of arm’s reach at the moment, but if need be he could take a couple of steps and have hold of it before anyone knew what had happened.
“Well either way, my lads will be havin’ a look through your pockets.”

The other three men dismounted and started towards the dray, tucking their pistols into their sashes, while their leader kept a pistol pointed at Tom. One man held the harness of the lead bullock, while the other two made their way towards the Tom and Patrick.

Suddenly, Tom grabbed the whip handle and flicked it rapidly towards the highwayman still on his horse. The tip of the whip missed, but the unexpected loud crack startled the horse, causing it to jump sideways, unbalancing its rider momentarily. In order to steady his horse, he tightened his grip on the reins, dropping the pistol to the ground.

The cracking whip was also a signal to the bullocks. They started forward, taking the man holding the harnesses by surprise. Tom took advantage of the confusion, speedily bringing up the butt of the big stockwhip into the groin of the man who was about to start looking through his pockets. The man instantly dropped to his knees, putting him at just the right height for Tom to drive a knee into his face.
Patrick reacted to Tom’s attack by lunging for the machete, and swung it at the man in front of him. At the last moment, he turned his wrist and stuck the flat of the blade against his opponent’s head, knocking him to the ground. He watched the man fall to make sure he was out. When he looked up he saw that Tom had rushed the leader and was dragging him off the horse. Patrick then ran at the man who had taken the harness of the bullocks, who was now trying to regain his balance after the team’s sudden movement. Patrick dropped his shoulder, charged and knocked the man to the ground, holding him there with his foot at the man’s throat.

By this time, Tom had unhorsed the leader of the gang and was pointing a pistol at his head. It was all over as quickly as it had begun.

Five minutes later, Tom had steadied his bullock team and the four would-be bushrangers were tied together on the side of the track, their horses tethered to the back of the dray.

Tom leaned over the four of them, and dipped his hat.
“Thank you gentlemen, we’ll be on our way now,” he said. “There’s a knife over by that tree you can use to cut yourself free, and then you can be on your way. I’d advise you to make yourself scarce around these parts. The good people around here don’t take kindly to your sort. Good day to you.”

Later around the campfire, Patrick sat thinking over the day’s events.


Chapter 6 Women!

The bloody Redcoats are coming!”
The news was astonishing. All over the diggings, the miners waved copies of The Argus with those who could read explaining the details to those who couldn’t. It appeared that in response to the meeting of diggers at Forrest Creek earlier this month, Governor La Trobe had decided to send soldiers, in addition to the current police presence, to maintain law and order on the diggings. The report stated that due to numerous police officers deserting their posts to join the miners, not enough police were available to maintain order. The soldiers were being brought in because they could not desert, as that would bring the death penalty. Regardless, it was a harsh response to what had been a peaceful, if fiery, meeting of diggers.
It had started with a report contained in The Argus.
Argus 12 December 1851
The intelligence has just arrived of the resolution of the Government to double the license fee. Will you tamely submit to the imposition, 0r assert your rights like men? You are called upon to pay a tax, originated and concocted by the most heartless selfishness. A tax imposed by your Legislators for the purpose of detaining you in their workshops, in their stable yards, and by their flocks and herds. They have conferred to effect this; they would increase this seven-fold, but they are afraid! Fie upon such pusillanimity and shame upon the men, who, to save a few paltry pounds for their own pockets, would tax the labour of the poor man’s hands.

A meeting had been called and on 15 December, Patrick found himself heading to Forrest Creek with Fergus and a large number of other men from the Ballarat diggings. By four o’clock that afternoon fifteen thousand miners had congregated, complete with a brass band to add to the spectacle.
Many speakers took to the podium, and although Patrick was far from the front of the crowd, the passion of the speakers caused their voices to rise with the energy of the crowd so that their stirring speeches could be heard by all. Calls of ‘Brotherhood!’ brought loud cheers from bearded throats with fists waving in the air.

One speaker advised that The Herald, a long-time supporter of the squattocracy, had labelled the diggers as ‘cut-throats and scoundrels’ and Patrick raised his voice and fists with everyone else to jeer and boo the publication.

When the speaker yelled, “Now will you pay the three pound licence…?” Patrick joined in the chorus of “Never!”
A Mr Lineham took the stage and told the assembly that when asked to pay the fee he would simply refuse, and if all refused, they could hardly all be imprisoned. This brought cheers of support. He continued by stating that he never advocated force, and the assembled masses could win without needing to resort to conflict. When he asked the crowd if they would pay, Patrick, caught up in the emotion and passion of his fellows cried out “No!”
Beside him he could see Fergus, staring with intensity at the speakers.
There was a fire in those eyes, the like of which Patrick had never seen before. With every cheer and roar of support, Patrick could well imagine his friend, kilted and with a sword in hand defending his highland home alongside his ancestors long dead from English invaders.

He turned his attention back to the speaker as the meeting reached its crescendo. The final speaker, a former squatter and passionate
republican, Captain Harrison, reinforced everything the other speakers had said. Refusal to pay the fee, standing as brothers on this issue and not resorting to violence, these were the things they all held dear.

The meeting concluded with a resolution that, ‘The meeting deprecates as unjust, illegal and impolitic, the attempt to increase the licence fee from thirty shillings to three pounds’. Each digger agreed to pay a shilling a month to Captain Harrison who had volunteered to represent the diggers in Melbourne, a kind of fighting fund. And with that, fifteen thousand excited miners, Patrick and Fergus amongst them, gave three cheers and dispersed back to their homes.




The young boy’s eyes fluttered open and focused on the tent flap swaying gently in the early morning breeze. The aroma of sausage fat on burnt coals and blackened marshmallows still pervaded the air from last night’s meal. He looked over at his dad still asleep in his sleeping bag. These were the best times ever.

Each year, for his birthday, Jonathon Smith and his father, David, would go camping somewhere in the mountains. They had pulled in late the night before and set up camp in a clearing spotlighted by their four-wheel drive. Jonathon had been taught how to make a good campfire and had one blazing in no time. During their meal his dad produced a small birthday cake that he had purchased on their way.
‘I forgot the candles,’ he confessed.

Undaunted, his son dived into his backpack and produced a bag of marshmallows. ‘We could use these,’ he said hopefully.
‘Could be a bit messy,’ his dad grinned.
Together they stuck nine of the powdery sweets on top of the cake. Jonathon retrieved a burning gum twig from the fire and attempted to light the marshmallows. Three scorched and blackened and the others would not light.
‘They still taste good,’ said the boy popping two of the dark morsels into his mouth and the third into his dad’s.
His dad just laughed. ‘Here, let’s try something else.’ He produced a packet of matches and set nine into the cake. ‘Quick Jono, light them and blow them out before they burn down.’
Jonathon did as he was told.
‘Did you make a wish?’
‘Want to tell me what you wished for?’
‘Nope! Won’t come true if I tell.’
His dad gave him a friendly punch on the shoulder, then with a wickedly mischievous grin began to tickle him. Jonathon burst into peels of uncontrollable laughter begging him to stop but loving every minute of it. David Smith laughed just as heartily as his son. They rolled around until they were exhausted. As the fire died down his dad commenced to tell one of his amazing stories. Some of his tales were scary, some of them funny and some of them were told to help Jonathon forget the sad things in his past.

As Jonathon wriggled quietly out of his sleeping bag, a movement outside caught his attention. He crawled to the tent entrance and peered out. There, beside the still smouldering embers was a fox kit gingerly sniffing the remains of a sacrificed marshmallow. The little fox bounded to the edge of the clearing and stopped. The boy moved slowly forward, picked up the sooty sweet and offered it to the animal. The baby fox hesitated then took off into the forest with Jonathon in hot pursuit. The youngster followed it as closely, not noticing that a mist was closing in and the forest was becoming denser. He stopped to get his bearings. His dad had warned him about these mountain mists; how quickly they could come in and how thick they could get. Cautiously he moved forward but the mist was so thick now he could barely see the ground in front of him. He had no idea where he was and wandered deeper into the undergrowth. Now and again he felt strange currents of cold air wrap around his legs and stir the mist, but not enough for him to see ahead. The mist muffled all sound and he could hear nothing but his own breathing. He peered into the whiteness wondering which way to go next. It was like a bad dream and his heart began to beat faster. He moved forward a little more.
‘Jonathon Smith, STOP!’ a voice commanded.
The terrified boy swung round in the direction of the voice. ‘Dad is that you?’
‘STOP’, the voice repeated.
The mist glowed pink then softened into mauve and finally into white again. Jonathon dropped to the ground afraid to look up.
Through the thickness that surrounded him Jonathon heard a call. Instantly he recognized his father’s voice.
‘Jono!… Jono!’ the muffled voice came a little closer. ‘Jono if you can hear me stay put…do not move…stay right where you are.’
The boy detected the urgency in his dad’s voice. With relief he stood up and waved his arms frantically as a pin-point of light came towards him.
‘I’m here Dad, over here.’
David Smith’s flashlight caught Jonathon’s silhouette against the impenetrable white wall of fog behind him. ‘Sit down Jono and don’t move!’ he almost screamed.

The boy obeyed immediately and collapsed his legs under him. A few seconds later his father was there embracing him. David pulled his son down beside him and the two huddled together until the mist began to lift.

As soon as they could see, David told his son to roll over on his tummy and follow him. Like two caterpillars they crawled forward a short distance. Gusts of wind blew upwards and as the last vestiges of mist cleared Jonathon understood why his dad had been so frantic. They were on the edge of a precipice and far below Jonathon could just make out the tops of trees and giant ferns. He gasped and wriggled back from the edge.

When they returned to camp the shocked boy sat on his bedroll and watched his dad pack up. Pale and clammy, he realized he’d had a very narrow escape. If it hadn’t been for his dad calling out to him when he did…his thoughts trailed off and a puzzled look came over his face.
‘Dad, why did you call me Jonathon Smith back there?’
‘What do you mean?’ David looked at him as he raked over the fire, making sure the last embers were out.
‘You know, when you told me to stop.’
‘Jono, have you ever heard me call you Jonathon Smith?’
‘Then I guess when I called to you it was distorted by the mist,’ his dad suggested, shrugging his shoulders.
Jonathon felt uneasy but was willing to accept his father’s explanation.

Later, as they folded the tent, he could not help stealing glances into the forest. He shuddered. What he expected to see he did not know…


Twelve-year-old Jonathon Newman-Smith rocked his shoulders backward and forward in the heated sand, making his ‘nest’ a little deeper and more comfortable. He stretched his arms above his head and extended his legs one at a time, much like a cat stretching, then re-coiled his body.

A faint smile played at the corners of his mouth. How had he achieved such a coup? This was the most exciting thing that had happened to him in a very long time! His father and Annabel had agreed to let him stay with Aunt Jean for the remainder of the year, and joy of all joys, to attend a regular school and not boarding school, which he loathed so much. He loved Aunt Jean; she was so much like what he remembered of his mother before her disappearance some years ago. He was only four when it happened.

Jonathon rolled over on his side and gazed at the curling waves as they foamed and slid up onto the wet sand not far from where he was lying. He would soon have to move as the tide was coming in. He propped himself up on his elbow and searched among the swimmers for his cousin, Sarah. She was two years older than he was and already her budding figure was catching the attention of the young lifeguards who were on duty at Culburra Beach. He spotted her riding her body-board some distance out, then squinted as his blue eyes strayed further along the beach toward a rocky outcrop the locals called Kinghorn. A deep sigh left his lips as a confusion of events flooded his mind.

Although a little hazy, as a four year old he recalled that fateful weekend, in parts. The family had come to stay with Aunt Jean, Uncle Charles and Sarah for a few days away from the hustle and bustle of diplomatic circles in Canberra. He remembered curling up on his mother’s lap the night before and smelling the delicate lavender perfume she always wore. The small boy loved that scent and he had cuddled into his mother, breathing in the sweetness while she read him a story. She had hugged and kissed him then tucked him into bed, wishing him sweet dreams as she had always done. That was the last time his mother had held him in her arms.

The days that followed were very sad. He had asked again and again where his mother was, only to be told she had gone away to live with God in heaven. Jonathon figured this was not a good place to be because everyone was crying and he thought someone should go and get her and bring her home. In fact, he had suggested this many times but no one seemed to listen, instead they would pat his head or cuddle him or simply walk away and close the door behind them. It was three years later when he and his dad had a rare moment together that he insisted on knowing what happened to his mother. He remembered his dad placing an arm around his shoulder as they walked along a tree-lined street in Canberra. The man, his voice broken at times, related the story of his wife’s disappearance with great difficulty.

‘Well Jonno, it was a very sad time in all our lives,’ he had said. ‘On that Sunday morning, just as the sun was coming up, your mum decided to go for an early morning swim. I was too tired and slept on.’ There was a pause as he reflected, a look of anguish and regret on his face. ‘We think she took one of the body-boards from under the house and paddled out into the surf. The strange thing was that your mum was always a good swimmer and seldom took risks.’

His dad had gone very quiet for a while before he continued.
‘There was a pretty strong rip running that day and no one knows for sure what happened. The next day the board was thrown up on Kinghorn Rocks and your mum was never found.’ His voice went soft and tears came into his eyes. He had drawn Jonathon in close to him. ‘The police report simply stated that she was missing, presumed drowned.’
Jonathon had asked many questions as to how long they had searched for her and why no one had seen her on the beach as there was always someone walking or fishing there, even at sunrise.
His dad just shook his head sadly and replied wistfully. ‘The investigators searched for three days right along the shoreline and out to sea as well. They questioned all the householders whose windows overlooked the beach but no one saw anything. Two board riders were in the area at about seven o’clock but could not help the detectives. All they could do was to confirm that there was a big swell and a strong rip running.’
Jonathon remembered he and his dad finding their way to a park and sitting on a bench. They talked for ages about his mum. About the fun things they used to do together, and how they both missed her so much. He had looked up into his dad’s face and seen the sadness there and, although he was only seven years old, he understood.

It was the rocky outcrop of Kinghorn, away in the distance, that prompted these recollections. Jonathon’s eyes misted over and he felt a deep longing to be held by that beautiful lady, his mother, once more. To feel again the softness and warmth of her skin and smell her gentle fragrance of lavender. Just once more. Even if for no other reason than to say good-bye. His yearning almost overwhelmed him and it was some minutes before he could escape the painful memories. Allowing the breath to leave his body in another deep sigh, he turned his attention away from Kinghorn and back to the book he had been reading. An advanced reader, books had become his companion in the lonely hours he had spent at boarding school. He loved words and the way authors manipulated them to tell stories that took him away on an adventure about which he could only dream. His own vocabulary had grown, and was now well beyond his chronological age. He learned very quickly not to use his exceptional gift with words in front of his peers for to do so often led to his exclusion from their groups at school and, above all else, he needed to be accepted as one of them.

Jonathon brushed away the sand between the pages of “War and Peace” and placed the thick paperback in his canvas bag on top of his flippers and goggles. He focused on the young girl running toward him. Her yellow bikini was in sharp contrast to her bronzed skin, her strong shapely legs covered the distance over the sand swiftly and, as she approached, her face lit up in a bright smile. Sarah dripped with water and she mischievously shook her long hair over him.
‘Hey! Quit it, that’s cold,’ he yelled.
Sarah remained undaunted and began to tug at his legs, purposely dripping water onto whatever bare skin she could find.
‘Come on, don’t be such a nerd, come for a swim,’ she teased.
‘Okay, Okay, hang on a sec. till I get my shirt.’ Jonathon dragged an old shirt from his bag and pulled it over his head. It wasn’t so much the fear of U.V. damage that prompted this action, but more the embarrassment caused by curious stares from other bathers when they noticed how very thin he was. He felt as though every rib showed through. The boy convinced himself that as soon as he was old enough and had some money of his own he would go to a gym and build himself a respectable chest. He grabbed his flippers and raced his cousin into the water.

Sarah had this wonderful knack of making him laugh. They joked and frolicked in the water, occasionally dunking each other and catching a wave right up onto the sand. His cousin playfully wound a frond of floating kelp around his neck and through his tight curly brown hair.
‘The monster from the deep,’ she giggled and duck-dived out of his way. He tried to catch her, but even with the help of flippers he was no match. She escaped with ease; the sea was Sarah’s second home.

Kinghorn diminished in his memory and the feeling of elation returned. Disregarding the goose bumps, Jonathon remained in the water as long as the acclimatized Sarah did. He almost hugged himself at the thought that he would be staying with her and be part of a family, at least for the next few months.

Jean and Charles Fitzgerald, David Newman-Smith and Annabel were sipping coffee on the terrace when the two arrived back from the beach.
‘Well Jonno, how was the swim?’ asked the tall, tanned man brushing some cake crumbs from his trousers.
‘Great Dad, you should come with me after lunch, we could have turns on Sarah’s new board,’ replied Jonathon hopefully.
David looked at his son, then at Annabel. She raised an eyebrow then ever so slightly shook her head. The movement was almost imperceptible but David Newman-Smith had seen and understood.
‘Er… love to son, but I’ve got about an hour’s paper work to do before I can lock it away in my attaché case. Annabel wants to finish packing and the car will be here to pick us up at five p.m. so I guess that leaves precious little time for a swim.’
‘Precious little time for anything’, muttered his disappointed son under his breath as he stormed across the terrace and headed for his room.
‘Jonno, wait!’ The athletic forty-year old quickly rose to his feet and followed Jonathon to the side veranda that had been converted into a bedroom for the new occupant.

Jonathon threw himself down on the bed. This was the last day he would spend with his dad before he flew out for Istanbul. He thought his father would make a special effort to spend some part of it with him. In frustration he hit his fist into his pillow. Things seemed to change when his dad met and married Annabel almost two years ago. Annabel appeared to have taken over and had the last word on everything. She had encouraged his dad to have their name changed to include her family name, Newman. “Smith” by itself was just too common, she had said. It was Annabel who insisted that he attend the most exclusive boarding school in Canberra and who challenged him about his friends and whose homes he could or could not stay in at weekends. It was Annabel who selected his clothing, his recreational sport, and lately the books he should read in order to improve his mind. It was Annabel who argued against his staying with Aunt Jean in preference to his continued education in Canberra. Annabel finally condescended to his attending a school in Nowra as a day student, provided it was a highly regarded private school. Worse still, it was his stepmother, Annabel, who shared his father’s affection and, he suspected, was getting the bigger share.

Prior to Annabel’s arrival, whenever his dad returned from a stint overseas they would go camping and fishing together. Jonathon would count the days off on his calendar that hung inside his closet at boarding school waiting for the next trip they could take together. His favourite times were the weekend hikes in the Kosciusko National Park, a pristine white wilderness in winter and a wonderland of alpine meadow and bog plants in the summer time. David had spent some time with Jonathon teaching him the names of the more common plants and introducing him to the wildlife that was more visible in the summer months. Although his dad was frequently absent for weeks at a time, when he did come home on leave it was just the two of them. They did everything together, that was, until Annabel came on the scene.

All this seemed a long time ago and Jonathon missed the closeness of the campfire and his dad’s fantastic stories, a lot of them about countries and people in the Middle East. Sometimes his dad would make up stories that could have been used as a script for a James Bond movie. They would laugh together and Jonathon would tell his dad to write a book and include all his stories because it would be a best seller.

Jonathon’s recollections were abruptly interrupted when his dad knocked and entered the room.
‘Jonno, I’m sorry about all this’, he began.
‘It’s alright dad I understand, there’s no need to explain’. His throat tightened a little as he added, ‘I know you’ve been really busy with all the telephone calls and that from the office, and you have had to pack to go away… and it’s been really great that you were able to stay these last couple of days with me… to make sure I settled in kinda’ thing. It’s… it’s just that the time seems to go so quickly and you spend so much of it with Annabel.’ Jonathon was about to continue but his father cut in.
‘Don’t be too hard on Annabel, Jonno. Most of the time we are working on the same things, don’t forget we come from the same office and she will be assisting me in Istanbul. I know you feel a little distant from her, but she has your best interest at heart’.
Jonathon made no reply. He gazed out the veranda windows and down along the beach toward Kinghorn.
A look of concern had spread across the man’s face. He sensed the feelings of isolation his son was experiencing. He ran his fingers through his greying hair as he often did when he was agitated, particularly when things seemed beyond his control. There were times when David wished he could just walk away from his responsibilities but this new assignment in Istanbul was very important, many people were depending on him, and he in turn was depending on Annabel. He sat down on the bed beside the boy and did something he had not done in years. He took Jonathon in his arms and gave him a big hug.
‘I promise you we will be home for Christmas’, he whispered softly in his ear.

Jonathon felt the tears well up in his eyes and held his father close. Christmas was almost nine months away.

The hands on the clock in his room seemed to race forward as the hour for his parent’s departure drew close. From his vantage point opposite the doorway leading into the hall he could see Annabel tying airport tags onto the handles of the large cases that had been lined up against the wall. He sat in Aunt Jean’s rocking chair pretending to read a book but all the while observing his stepmother as she checked each label in turn. Almost as tall as his father, Annabel’s slim agile body bent easily over the cases. Jonathon begrudgingly admitted to himself that she was beautiful and that was probably why his dad had married her. Her long red hair was twisted up in a knot and held on top of her head by a mother-of-pearl comb-clip. Her milky white skin showed no sign of sun damage in spite of her love of the outdoors. There was not a freckle to be seen. Her eyebrows arched over deep green eyes and her full lips glistened with soft pink lip-gloss. Yes, Jonathon mused, that’s why his dad had married her. She was just like a movie star and more than once he had noticed heads turn when she entered a room.

Satisfied that all was in order, Annabel turned and moved gracefully down the hallway, disappearing into the living room. Minutes later she returned to the cases, this time carrying her jacket that she carefully laid over one case and perched her shoulder bag on the other. The boy noted how everything his stepmother wore matched perfectly. The grey slacks were the same colour as the jacket, while her shoes and purse were exactly the same colour as her fitted pink shirt. Even her stud earrings and bracelet toned in with the overall colour scheme. He detected her heavy musk perfume that was not like his mother’s delicate lavender.
Jonathon raised his book to cover his face and rocked the chair gently. Annabel looked up startled.
‘Oh, hi Jonathon, I didn’t notice you there.” She paused. Annabel was finding it increasingly difficult to talk to her stepson. ‘What are you reading?’
Jonathon had no idea what he was reading; he had just picked the book up off the side table beside Aunt Jean’s rocking chair. His stepmother moved towards him trying to read the title.
Her eyes widened a little. ‘Managing Menopause,’ she read. ‘Hmm…are you finding it interesting?’
Jonathon flushed red. ‘I… um… I just thought I would find out if it was worth reading,’ he replied, fumbling for an answer. He put the book back on the table and made a hasty retreat down the hallway. Annabel smiled as she watched him go.

Duly at 5.00 p.m. a black limousine pulled into the drive. With saddened eyes the boy watched as his father and the chauffeur loaded the cases into the trunk. Annabel had said her goodbyes to the family and settled herself in the back seat. David Newman-Smith looked long and hard at his son, embraced him, and then without looking back, climbed into the car beside his wife, closing the door behind him.

It was difficult to see the interior of the car, the dark tinted windows obscuring all but a slight image of those inside. Neither Annabel nor David attempted to wind down the windows as the car moved forward on the driveway, its heavy wheels crunching the red gravel and spinning slightly. Aunt Jean and Sarah each placed an arm around the forlorn boy as they watched the vehicle pull away from the cottage, move swiftly up the hill away from the beach, and disappear out of sight.
Jonathon’s throat tightened and he blinked furiously to stop the tears from making their unwanted appearance. He pulled away from his Aunt and cousin and made an excuse about needing to get something from his bedroom. He did not come out until he was called for the evening meal. The family had understood exactly how he felt and left him alone to compose himself.

Jonathon settled into his new school easily. He loved the relaxed attitude of his teachers and got on well with his classmates in Year 7. Each morning he would board the school bus with Sarah and travel the twenty kilometres into town, stopping to pick up students from other schools as well. Sarah attended a public high school so Jonathon had to travel a little further on the bus to reach the Shoalhaven College for Boys.

His school was set among stands of gum trees and Casuarinas. It had a long bitumen drive which swept up through well manicured lawns and native gardens to the main entrance and Administration Block. It was here, in the Admin. Block that he met Mr. Guthrie, a short stocky man wearing a white T-shirt, navy shorts and runners on his feet. Mr. Guthrie had asked him if he was lost, realizing he was a new boy in the school. He was extremely helpful and showed Jonathon the way to the canteen where the student could purchase the correct books for his classes.

At the end of the week, to his great delight, Jonathon discovered that Mr. Guthrie was his Physical Education teacher whose teaching specialty was Athletics, Jonathon’s favourite sport. Because the new student had joined the school at the beginning of term two, the P.E. teacher carried out private tests on Jonathon to determine his aptitude at sprints and long distance running. Jonathon was thrilled when he was selected for the Athletics club, which met Tuesdays and Thursdays at lunchtime for special training.
Mr. Guthrie’s sun-tanned and heavily lined face split into a smile after timing the young athlete’s run over 800 metres.
‘Well Jonathon, you might be a lightweight, but you have great stamina. How would you like to train for the Cross Country race? We have a carnival coming up soon against the other schools in this region and I think you would do very well. We will be sending a team of ten athletes from our school and I would like you to represent us in the Junior Cross Country.’

Jonathon was ecstatic. He was actually being invited to represent his school in a sport he loved. Of course he would accept, and he promised Mr. Guthrie he would train very hard and would not miss a single session.

The first six weeks of term two sped by. Jonathon was true to his word and did not miss a single training session, amazing the entire P.E. staff with his determination. Mr. Guthrie had selected a difficult track through the bush, up a steep hill and across dairy farms before returning to the school’s playing fields through the back gate. Not only did Jonathon continue to improve his own time, but also on one occasion, he managed to overtake several other older runners who were using the same track at the time. These senior boys were just as impressed with him as was Mr. Guthrie.

A couple of times the school newspaper reported his efforts in glowing terms and it was one of these articles, along with a half page photograph, that captured the attention of Alan (Bull Neck) Jergins, Danny Spiros and Michael ( Mick) Bellatose. All three boys were in Year 8 and had reputations sufficiently bad enough for the Principal, Mr. MacGregor, to intervene. He issued his last warning about their possible suspensions should their behaviour not improve.

The notorious trio hung over the track fence watching the athletes run their circuits. When Jonathon came near, Bull Neck Jergins lobbed a clod of dirt close enough for the soil to splatter over his runners and legs. The jogger looked back surprised but continued on as he was running against the clock.
‘Hey Bean Pole, what’s ya hurry?’ yelled Bull Neck, his pudgy fingers forming another dirt ball.
‘Yeah, get ya skinny legs over here and talk to us,’ joined in Mick Bellatose.
Danny Spiros took a quick suck on the cigarette he had been hiding in his semi-closed palm and offered it to Bull Neck. He looked annoyed when Jonathon ignored them and continued round the track. ‘He’s only been here a short while and thinks he owns the friggin place…stuck-up arse-hole. Well he’s sure to come round again and if he does we’ll get him.’ he assured the others.
The three boys hurriedly built up a pile of dirt bombs. They then stood up and scanned the group of runners coming towards them hoping to target Jonathon. As the pack ran past they recognized some senior boys among the group. There was no way they were going to mess with these Year 12 students.
‘Get down, quick,’ ordered Danny.
The three boys dropped below the rails hoping they had not been spotted.
‘Oh no! He musta’ quit’, sneered Bull Neck searching the runners as they jogged by. ‘Betcha` the yellow-bellied shit is scared out of his wits and is heading for the nearest teacher.’
Danny rubbed the dirt off his hands onto his trousers, then gave it a second thought and rubbed them off on Mick’s instead. ‘Don’t worry mate, we’ll just get him after school. I know what bus he catches. He won’t know what hit him,’ he said smugly.
‘What are we going to do’ asked Mick hitting Danny’s hand away.
‘I dunno’, but I’ll think of something by three-thirty.’
The bell sounded for afternoon lessons and the boys knew they had exactly five minutes to be seated in class.
‘What have we got this ‘arvo’?’ asked Bull Neck as they tried to trip each other over going up the grassy slope to the assembly quad.
‘I ‘dunno’, answered Danny, ‘I think its double maths’.
The three groaned in unison. They continued up the slope and along the path toward the quadrangle where they had left their bags. When they were almost there Danny grabbed the other two.
‘Hey look, there he is,’ he said, pointing to the freshly showered and changed small boy who was just about to enter his classroom.

Bull Neck couldn’t help himself. He sprinted across the quad and grabbed Jonathon’s backpack, pulling the boy up sharply.
‘Where’d ya` get to Bean Pole? Chicken out on us did ya`?…Run to a teacher did ya`? You’ll keep till this afternoon,’ he threatened, poking a stubby index finger several times into the startled boy’s chest.
Danny pulled Bull Neck away. He knew his friend had a short temper and could become quite violent. ‘Shut up you moron, you’ve got witnesses,’ he hissed.
Bull Neck looked around and saw that several other Year 7 students had come to the door; they were looking just as astonished as Jonathon. Danny and Mick herded Bull Neck towards the Maths block before he exploded. The thick red-necked boy tried to shake them off and complained loudly.
As soon as they were out of earshot of the Year 7 students Danny warned Bull Neck again to shut up and keep going. ‘I’ve told you before that I plan the action and call the shots.’ Bull Neck started to object but Spiros cut him off. ‘You just go friggin crazy, man. A second later you would have flattened that kid and we would have all got suspended. Remember what ole’ MacGregor said, ‘the next time we do something wrong, we’re out…suspended! Ya get me?’ Danny pushed his friend through the door just as the bell rang for the commencement of the lesson.

Peter Andrews was in Jonathon’s class and the two had become good friends. Unfortunately, being Thursday they would have to catch the late bus as both boys had extra Math coaching. That meant most of the school students would have departed by the time they walked down the drive to the bus stop. There would be no protection in numbers. Jonathon looked anxiously around him when they left their math tutorial. He had been so concerned about the threats made by the Year 8 boys he was almost tempted to tell the teacher.
‘Do you reckon those boys will come after me?’ he asked Peter, peering down the road to see if there was anyone waiting for the bus or hopefully a teacher standing close by. ‘Who are they anyway and what do they want with me?’
Peter was just as anxious as Jonathon. He well knew the reputation of the three boys and couldn’t think of a reason as to why they would be picking on his friend. He tried to remain calm although his furtive glances this way and that were a dead give-away.
‘They’re the school dregs and they are always in trouble. They’re losers. If you mess with them, they are likely to put your head down the toilet and flush it. That’s their idea of fun.’ Peter half whispered his answer, and although he knew of no actual incident of this happening, as Jonathon’s friend he felt it his duty to warn him of such things. After all, with the Spiros gang, it really could happen.
The stories of heads down toilet were perpetuated with each fresh batch of Year 7 students and Peter felt some satisfaction in the telling when he realized he had Jonathon’s complete attention. Their pace quickened a little, each boy glancing behind occasionally. Peter felt impelled to give his friend as much information as quickly as possible. To Jonathon, each tale seemed more terrifying than the one before. Peter continued his story telling all the way down the drive. Most of them were hearsay and loosely attributed to the Spiros gang. But some of them were true even though he had embellished them a little. By the time they reached the bus stop Jonathon could hardly swallow he was so scared. There was only one other student waiting at the bus stop, and he too was in Year 7. As though he could offer some protection both boys went and stood with him.

Hidden in a thicket of Mirror bush and Grevillea three stalkers inched their way forward. They had changed from their uniforms into their grey P.E. tracksuits, the better to conceal themselves. Danny Spiros was the first to arrive at their agreed rendezvous point and he had brought with him several drink bottles filled with water. By the time his friends arrived, he had already made a mound of mud balls each the size of a tennis ball.
Bull Neck and Mick grinned wickedly when they spotted the ammunition and quickly added to the pile. The thick red neck of Alan Jergins went redder still with excitement as they placed the semi-hardened balls into plastic bags. One collapsed in his hand and, as he remolded the clay, he decided to slip a stone in the middle to give it more weight and `fire’ power. He looked at the missile and convinced himself that all the balls in his bag would be better if they each had a stone inside. The three crawled forward, commando-style, on their bellies. They had spotted their victim standing with two other students at the bus stop and they were now in firing range.
‘Ya ready?’ Danny asked.
The two others nodded, grinning like Cheshire cats. The leader stood up ready to hurl the first mud ball.
‘Well, good afternoon gentleman.’ The voice of Mr. Guthrie behind them froze them in their tracks. ‘I see you have been doing a spot of gardening,’ he paused and smiled at their ashen faces, ‘enjoy gardening do you?’
Danny, always capable of thinking on his feet, made a reply for all of them.
‘Yes Sir. We have… er…chosen plant propagation for our elective in Agriculture next term and we were just collecting some clay for our experiments.’
Mick and Bull Neck looked at Danny in amazement but said nothing.
‘Oh good. Very good.’ Mr. Guthrie tapped the ends of his fingers together and looked up to the sky in contemplation. ‘You’re just the boys I’ve been looking for. I have a garden that is not doing so well outside the P.E. staff room and it is just begging for some attention. With your interest in gardening I know you won’t mind giving up a few of your lunch times to weed it and bring it up to scratch, will you?’
Bull Neck was just about to open his mouth and object when Danny interjected.
‘No Sir, that will be fine. When do you want us to start?’
‘Well, the sooner the better. Tomorrow, lunch time?’ The teacher had a wry smile on his face as he led the way up the hillside. ‘Let me show you the garden in question…Oh! I see you have left your experimental clay behind.’ He pointed to the plastic bags that had been dumped under one of the bushes. ‘You had best go and collect them otherwise you will be a day behind in your Agricultural assignment. By the way, I would love to read your report when you have finished, it’s not often we get students as keen as yourselves staying back at school collecting soil. I’m sure you will do very well. In fact, your efforts are deserving of some kind of recognition. I will mention your endeavours to your Ag. teacher… Mr. Gray, isn’t it?’
‘Yes Sir,’ they chorused. Bull Neck and Mick looked daggers at Danny who just shrugged.
Somewhere in the distance behind them they heard a bus pull up, then heavily change gears as it drove away.

From his staff-room window, Mr. Guthrie had watched, with great curiosity, the infamous Spiros gang as they scrambled down the slope and disappeared into the shrubbery at the front of the school. Danny Spiros had entered first followed a few minutes later by his pals, Jergins and Bellatose. At least half an hour elapsed and the boys had not emerged from their hiding place. From his position on the hill the teacher could see the sweep of the drive, the heavily vegetated area beside the school gates and part of the main road outside the college. His suspicions were aroused when he recognized Jonathon and another boy hurrying towards the bus stop. Intrigued by the secretive activities of the trio and armed with the information given to him by a senior student in relation to a dirt-throwing incident on the track earlier in the day, he moved swiftly down the slope unobserved and into the thick undergrowth. So it was with some satisfaction he put the boys to work on the garden at lunchtime knowing that his track students could train without interference and that the trio would stay out of trouble.
He could not have known that the gardeners were more convinced than ever that Jonathon had ‘dobbed’ on them and was the cause of their present physical detention. As they dug, raked and removed weeds they fumed and plotted an even worse revenge for the unsuspecting boy.
‘We’ll take our time and do it gradually so no one will know it’s us,’ said Danny menacingly. His eyes narrowed giving his sharp features a weasel like appearance. He shifted a large rock that had made its way to the surface. ‘If we rush it we’ll get caught again.’
The others agreed.

Jonathon and Peter kept a wary eye open for the gang when they were outside class. There were no more threats and, they noticed, the three boys seemed to be more interested in doing a job for Mr. Guthrie than harassing Jonathon.
‘They must have just been big-noting themselves,’ concluded Peter taking a lick of his friends ice block. ‘Probably puffing themselves up because you are getting well-known with all your running and stuff. If they can make you look silly it makes them look big, kind of thing.’
‘Well I sure hope they’ve lost interest in me and leave me alone,’ the other replied, retrieving his ice block for the third time before it completely disappeared. ‘By the way, it’s my birthday Saturday-week and Aunt Jean said I could invite a couple of friends. Would you like to come?’
Peter’s eyes lit up and his freckled nose wrinkled as he grinned broadly. ‘Sure thing, what time?’
‘She didn’t say, but why don’t you see if you can come for the whole day and we can go surfing together.’ Jonathon delved into the brown paper bag that had been offered to him by his friend. ‘Yum! Red jelly snake and there is a green one in there too. Bags the jelly snakes.’
‘Okay, as long as you leave all the aniseed black cats for me.’
The boys sat down under a tree and spread their maths books out so they could compare the answers to their homework before class.
‘Who else is coming?’ asked Peter, satisfied that their answers matched.
Jonathon closed his book and put it back in his bag. ‘I thought I would invite Jamie Redfern from the track team. Do you know him?’
‘Yeah! He’s really cool. He was in my Wood Technics class last rotation. He tells ‘sick’ jokes, and even has the teachers laughing because he acts out all the parts.’
Jonathon was pleased with this bit of information. He would have two friends coming to his birthday and they liked each other. Then he noticed Peter had a troubled look on his face.
‘What’s up?’ he inquired.
Peter gazed across the lawn to the P.E. Block at the three figures working in the garden.
‘I don’t understand it,’ he said at last. ‘Those creeps are still working on the garden…there’s gotta’ be a catch. The school or Mr. Guthrie must be paying them or something. There’s no way they would do that unless there was a good reason.’

With a birthday coming up, and everything at school going well, Jonathon couldn’t have been happier, and, except that his geography textbook went missing from his bag, he would say things were great. He searched for it everywhere at home and at school but it was nowhere to be found. He knew he would have to replace it out of his own pocket money and that was a bit of a blow. Then the strangest thing happened. The school caretaker found it in the bottom of a trashcan just as he was about to empty it into the incinerator. The puzzled boy tried to clean it up as best he could but the pages were stained, almost unreadable, and some pages were torn in half.
‘You will have to use it until the end of the year,’ stated his Geography teacher, ‘unless you want to buy yourself a new one.’
Jonathon had tried to explain to Mr. George that the book had gone missing and was found in the trashcan, but his teacher was not particularly interested in excuses.
‘You must learn to look after your things and if you can’t act in a more responsible way I will have to take disciplinary action.’
‘How much would a new book cost?’ asked the student timidly.
‘I would guess around thirty dollars.’
Jonathon knew that his pocket money did not stretch that far. He rolled his eyes and looked beseechingly into the stern face of Mr. George.
‘I’m sorry Sir, I don’t have that much money. Would it be alright if I paid it off bit by bit until the end of the year?’
The Geography teacher softened a little. ‘I’ll tell you what I will do. I will lend you an old one until the end of the year, it’s a bit battered but obviously in a better condition than yours. Just make sure this type of thing doesn’t happen again.’
Jonathon thanked Mr. George and silently vowed he would guard the replacement text with his life.

Facing Demons

Chapter 4 Meditation

After my experience with the Divine Energy in the orchard I began to look to the future again, but now it was a different and full of light with new awareness and understanding. I told no one about what had happened to me, they would have thought that I’d gone crazy.

I had to put my life back together and worked out a more effective way of coping. The doctor I saw prescribed anti-depressants, but I only used them for a short time. I needed to learn to live again. The big difference being I knew that God was with me and inside me, I was connected to The Source and had guidance. I liken it a little to learning to ride a bicycle. At first you fall off a lot, but gradually it gets easier and easier. I was also aware from that point on I was entirely responsible for everything that happened in my life. Every thought, word and deed. Sometimes when I fell off the bike it hurt and I would lie there for a while before getting back on, gradually staying on for longer and longer periods.

I learnt to fill my head with nice thoughts, hymns and songs and to recognise the good parts of myself. While working in the orchard, songs would just pop into my head. Sometimes these would go around and around like a damaged record before I would realise they contained the answers to my most pressing problems. Having been up so many wrong roads already I wanted to do what was right for me. At one point I tried to tell Harry what had happened, but with no success. He looked at me as if I really had gone nuts and then ignored me completely. That was the last time that I ever mentioned it to anyone for years to come.

I still found it difficult to use the word ‘God’. In another culture it may have been ‘Budda’ because I could not think of that glorious light energy as anything associated with a ‘man’ type figure. All the hypocrisies and injustices I had seen through my upbringing were connected with the church and religion. My new belief I kept hidden deep within myself.

Jane, a friend of mine was attending a spiritual self-development group. When I began to show an interest, she asked me if I would like to go along. It was nice to be with people working towards good and who talked about working in the light. I listened carefully and only accepted what felt right to me, but failed to learn one very important point that later was to nearly cost my son Jim his life.

There were things in my life that I had not yet found the courage to change, even though I knew them to be wrong. Harry and I were still involved in our cosy little foursome. One night while I was out with this man called Jack, I heard a voice telling me that what I was doing was wrong. At the time it seemed to be just a gentle warning. I pushed it aside and continued with the relationship. A couple of weeks later while in the same circumstance a voice came to me as if spoken through a loud haler, I nearly jumped out of my skin.

It said, “Thou shalt not commit adultery. You have a choice to make, either you continue in this fashion or you choose a spiritual path. It is your decision!”
I got such a fright at the possibility of having to live the rest of my life as it had been, that I told Jack there and then that my affair with him was over. To me there was not a choice.

Our domestic and working lives were closely tied in with Jack and his wife Ann. We shared barbecues with them two to three times a week, helping with each other’s orchards and sharing kiwi fruit picking and packing. The picking and packing season was just about to commence. I knew that I would need every ounce of strength that I could muster to get through it. Harry and Ann did not want to end their affair and Jack would not let go. The pressure from the other three to resume the affair was constant and unrelenting. Because of the way our businesses worked together it was important that we were all on good terms with each other. I stayed polite and friendly, but stood firm in my decision. The warning I had been given was very definite and I desperately craved a better way of life.

I had to do something to help myself cope. Meditation and its benefits had been introduced to me through the spiritual group I attended and thought it could help. It is frequently said that meditation is the way to clear your mind, centre yourself and to tune into your own energy or the light within. All that was required was to sit comfortably in a quiet place, ask for guidance and protection from the guiding powers and relax your body and mind. It turned out to be a far more difficult task than I would ever have believed. To start with, five minutes of this would seem like an hour. My mind would not stay quiet or controlled without some thought racing through it. I had never realised I had such little control over my mind.

I experimented with many different ways to Meditate to find the one best suited to me. The following are a few of the methods I tried that might work for you.
 Concentrate on breathing in slowly to the count of six, hold for four, breathe out slowly to the count of six and hold for four, and so on.
 Slow your breathing by counting to four on the inward breath, breathing in relaxation, hold for four and breathing out tension to the count of four.
 As you became aware of thoughts, visualise them one by one entering a big balloon and watch until it carries that thought away thus letting no other thoughts enter your mind until the previous one had disappeared.
 Visualize a flower with many petals and watch the petals unfolding slowly one at a time.
 Visualize a flame in your heart imagining it as a life force connected to The Source and watching it flicker and grow until you become immersed in it.
 Imagine golden white light pouring down through the top of your head filling your body, connecting with your soul essence, and radiating through and out from yourself.
 Sit comfortably, starting at the toes, tensing and relaxing the muscles. Gradually work through your whole body until you are totally relaxed.
 Listen to gentle relaxing music or talk through meditation tapes.

Through practice and perseverance I slowed my thought pattern and began experiencing moments of silence filled with calmness and serenity. Twenty minutes meditation became the norm.

This was a wonderful process of rejuvenation for me and through it I found the strength to support me through many more long difficult times to come. It kept me in touch with the ‘I AM’ inside. The ‘I AM’ being the spark of life or God within each of us, our life force or soul essence. I nurtured this inner strength and began to discover my true self.

I read many books about spiritual growth, healing and self-awareness during this time to help broaden my understanding and knowledge.


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