Flames of Rebellion BOOK LAUNCH!


Flames of Rebellion by new Australian author Warwick O’Neill will be officially launched at

REaD Cafe, Paradise Resort, Gold Coast, Qld on

Saturday 9th April at



Meet and talk with the author. Find out how he researched his book. 


On his release from gaol, all Patrick Flanagan wanted was a good woman, a family and a peaceful life. Then he heard the call that reverberated around the world. Gold!

Leaving Moreton Bay behind, he jumps aboard The Cumberland to work for his passage to the goldfields. On the voyage he befriends Fergus, an old sailor at the crossroads of new technology. Together the pair jump ship in Melbourne and head towards the Ballarat Goldfields to make their fortune.
But, their dreams of easy riches are soon shattered as they not only battle the elements and the elusive nature of the gold, but also corrupt administrators and brutal law enforcement officers of the Colony, including an old acquaintance of Patrick’s.

As the group struggle to make a living from the unforgiving earth, events move inexorably towards a fateful collision between the authorities and goldminers, testing the loyalties of the group and finding Patrick on the frontline facing Government forces as they emerge from the early morning mist.


I really enjoyed reviewing your book Flames of Rebellion. Apart from learning quite a lot I found it to be quite gripping.

The story flowed well. Your dialogue (in keeping with the era) was first-class and really fleshed out your characters. You created such endearing and believable characters amongst the miners and really portrayed their daily life convincingly. Even though the subject matter was at times confronting and gritty, your use of humour was ever-present and gave a sense of balance.

I loved the epilogue with Patrick speaking at Fergus’ graveside. This is a really great technique for educating the reader about subsequent events in a novel way, as well as being very touching.

Caitriona Nienaber



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