Amanda Starling – Featured Author

Mumma to Be – Amanda Starling

Every hiccup and foreign moment I endured I wanted reassurance and peace of mind. From that moment I was prompted to record my journey. My words began, freely, candidly and honestly. Initially I was writing for my baby thinking it would be a great keepsake for when she was older – I’m such a realist thinking so far in advance! Perhaps she will be mortified to know how candid and forthright I was. I began writing everything, I knew I couldn’t count on my memory (baby brain); everything I thought was relevant I wrote down throughout my pregnancy.
My intent behind ‘Mumma to Be’ was initially for my baby girl, then it changed direction slightly as I began writing for all first time Mums. I took it from a light hearted point of view to enable the reader to get a sense of realness and comfort from my words.

After my baby girl was born I wanted to add the first three months of motherhood as this is a huge part of the transition to motherhood. I then had the task of going back through my work starting the amendments. Some days I would have writer’s block, I would sit and stare at my screen and nothing would come to me, on those days I would take a break from the book. I don’t believe non-fiction writing should be forced, but should come naturally.  In all, the writing took me two years to complete; the next task was to find a publisher. Submitting my manuscript to many publishers Aurora House Publishing promptly responded and from that moment Mumma to Be was in the making!

I am now on a mummamission! I blog via my website, which was also created by Aurora and I am also in the process of writing my second book. Writing is a passion, if you have the passion, persistence and patience you can do anything.

Amanda’s book can be found at:

Barnes & Noble

And many other online bookstore. It is available in Paperback and eBook

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