
Helen Parry Jones in Australia

Helen Parry Jones in Australia

Helen Parry Jones will be visiting Australia in May 2018 If you would like to meet Helen, her events will give an opportunity to talk with her, see her in action, and learn about healing if you attend her Workshop. Book tickets if you would like to attend Helen’s events – they are selling fast.…

Australian Publisher Accepting Unsolicited Manuscripts

If you’ve written a novel, autobiography, or children’s book, Aurora House is currently accepting unsolicited manuscripts, and we’d love to hear from you! Now, some of you may be thinking you’d prefer to go with a ‘traditional’ publisher such as Penguin or Allen and Unwin, and it is still possible to submit unsolicited manuscripts to…

Shh! Show, Don't Tell

If you’ve ever taken a writing course or read a book on how to write a novel, you would have been told ‘show, don’t tell’ at least once—perhaps several hundred times. But what exactly does it mean? Telling is when you tell the reader facts: what’s happening, how someone feels, even what’s about to happen…

Shh! Show, Don’t Tell

If you’ve ever taken a writing course or read a book on how to write a novel, you would have been told ‘show, don’t tell’ at least once—perhaps several hundred times. But what exactly does it mean? Telling is when you tell the reader facts: what’s happening, how someone feels, even what’s about to happen…