Step Into Mindfulness

Step into Mindfulness. Be mindful that this powerful little book has big knowledge. It focuses on many diverse aspects of life and provides you with the tools necessary to step into the state of mindfulness.

Step into Mindfulness simplifies many misunderstood ‘spiritual’ aspects about personal development, inner growth and self love.

Author Bio

Marion Brownlie

Marion became interested in spiritual enlightenment, metaphysics, self-empowerment and self-healing after a life changing experience. She self-healed herself of the many traumatic experiences from her childhood that were deeply hidden. Marion continued to learn more and moved onto personal development, soul growth, the sub-conscious, other dimensions, spirit possession, the power of love, the effect fear and negativity has on our lives, and ventured into many areas of thought where people fear to tread.

From these experiences, the I AM Source Guidance cards evolved, intended to help those who need guidance.

Marion channels Source. She is an intuitive Healer/Psychic and Energy Therapist. Master Practitioner of (NLP), Hypnotherapist, Time Line Therapist and a Life/Soul Coach. She is available for consultations, workshops, meditations, group work, public speaking engagements, intuitive/tarot readings. She may be contacted through her website.