
Magick or Love.

If both ran deep in your blood, which would you choose?

On her sixteenth birthday, introvert Lucy DeBane can’t shake the memory of her father’s death, or the possibility that by day’s end a life altering ancestral truth will blow apart the world she knows.

Lucy is sure of one thing, her feelings for Gil … tall, dark and hot … her first real love.

So when she hears the chiming of ancient bells and her family’s secret is revealed, Lucy must make a decision … become a DeBane witch, or walk away from family for love.

Is there a way she can have both?




Author Bio

Kellie M Davies

Kellie M Davies

Born and raised in Australia, Kellie has lived all over Sydney but now calls ‘the Hills’ her home. During school, her strengths lay in Visual Arts and English, which she followed up with a Bachelor of Education.

In June of 2009, a protagonist came knocking and stayed with Kellie through the birth and up-bringing of both her children. Not to be ignored, Lucy DeBane made a lasting impression and willed her story to be told.

‘Mabon’ Book 1 of The Clandestine Chronicles will be released in August 2018. Yule, Oestara and Litha, are the follow-on books to the series.

Kellie is currently studying with Oxford University in hopes of reaching her Masters in Creative Writing before her time is up! She loves ice cream, a cow called Pig and the smell of traditional fire places. She doesn’t see the point in anchovies. At all.

Want to know more?

Check out Kellie’s website You can follow her on Twitter or Instagram where her inner self and loves are often mistakenly revealed.