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What is Involved in Publishing a Book

The days of the ‘easy to reach’ traditional publisher, when an author had a relatively good chance of their manuscript being accepted, and published, have long disappeared. Publishing your book is exciting and overawing at the same time. There are now so many writers and books that the majority of the authors do not even get a look-in. Because of this, so many excellent books are shelved and the writer, with the constant rejection, stops writing. Traditional publishers cannot cope with the numbers of new, up and coming writers and tend to stick with those they already know and publish.

With the onset of the ‘new’ book world, POD (Print on Demand) and eBooks, it is much cheaper all round to publish a book as there are not hundreds, or thousands, of copies that need to be printed and stored. Publisher’s costs have been drastically reduced and ought to reflect that. Copies for book stores still can be printed, but on an ‘as needed’ basis.

New authors are understandably unsure of what happens during the publishing process. Our experienced staff can take you step-by-step through the stages to explain how your book is processed, and to reassure you that your book is receiving the very best attention. If you have questions, we are more than happy to answer them for you.


What do I need to get my Book Published

You will need a full completed Manuscript to start with getting your book published. Then submit your manuscript for a Free Manuscript Appraisal

Having your book edited by a professional editor says that you think enough of yourself, and your work, to expend a little extra energy (money) for your book to have the polish it deserves. There is nothing worse than trying to read a book that is poorly laid out, with lots of spelling or punctuation errors, or a story that jumps all over the place. Even famous authors have their work edited.

The same as any traditional publisher, Aurora House does have to pay its editors, its typesetter, book cover designer, to have the books printed or created into ebooks. We kept all of this in mind when creating our publishing options, and have kept all costs to a minimum as much as possible, which will enable more authors to take advantage of successfully publish their book.


How Do I Publish a Book

Because of our strict adherence to creating an excellent finished product for our authors, Aurora House only accepts manuscripts for publishing that have been professionally edited, preferably by our own editors so that we know your book personally. In that way, we can ensure you receive as perfect a product as possible.

Once editing is complete, and you are happy with it, your manuscript is then typeset and the book cover designed, and made ready for printing. You will receive a digital ‘proofing’ copy of the book for proofreading, then we order a galley copy so that you can see your book in print and to check for last minute errors before your book is published and distributed to online bookstores. Ebook formats are created when the galley is approved, and will be uploaded to online eBook stores.

To help increase the impact of your book, ‘Reviews’ on the first inside page can be an ideal solution. We can arrange for professional reviewers to read your book and submit their comments, which will then be added before final approval with the printer. You can also choose you own reviewers to assess your book.

Your book is then uploaded onto the internet and into the online bookstores, ready for POD printing upon purchase, or downloading as an eBook. We register your book with high-volume, well-known bookstores to give you the greatest coverage for marketing your book.

Book publishing takes time. We do know that as the author you are excited about the prospect of your book being out in the world and available for readers to enjoy. As we work with many authors at the same time, we try to make it fair and even the time on each book moving through the publishing process. We ask that you please be patient as your book will arrive at its destination – the bookstores. We can also arrange book promotion to help it on its way.



While Aurora House is not predominantly a self-publishing publisher, we do offer this medium to those authors who prefer to ‘do it themselves’, or may be on a tight budget. Our simple ‘stand-alone’ options cover only the eBook conversion, or typesetting ready for printing. With these options, it is assumed that the author has already had the manuscript edited. We do not add our Aurora House logo and name to any self-published book.


What You Can Do to Help Promote Your Book

You, as the author, can also assist in the marketing of your book. Talk about it at every opportunity, let all your friends, relatives and work colleagues know that you have published a book. Business cards are one of the best advertising media around – give them out to everyone; deposit them in the library, bookshops, news agencies, and any stores that will accept them.

If you would like to be creative, bookmarks, fridge magnets, postcards, gift tags can all be used to help promote your book.

We now offer book promotion options. If you would like more details, please peruse our book promotion pages, email or call us.


Publishing Options

We have various publishing packages available, including manuscript editing and author websites.

You will find full details on our Publishing Packages page

There are a number of trim sizes available but these are the most popular:

198mm x 129mm – 7.81″ x 7.81″
203mm x 127mm – 8″ x 5″
216mm x 140mm – 8.5″ x 5.5″
229mm x 152mm – 9″ x 6″

If you do not see a package that suits you, please ask as we can create a specially designed package to suit your needs.

If you would like more information, please contact us.

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