Category Archives: Authors

Linda Lattin’s Wheels of Mizfortunate

I was able to write my book with sheer determination, which is common for many writers. Success requires determination.

I was in a serious car accident that left me critically injured and comatose for over four months. When I awoke I had NO memory of my life. I was dazed as anyone would be and my mind was blank. I had to learn how to be a woman again: a living, breathing, 35 year old woman who had three sons, whom I did not remember either! I did not know how to be a Mom. I had to re-learn how to do everything from the basic learning how to breathe, learning how to eat and how to breathe as I ate, everything a person learns from birth, but I was beginning of a new life. The woman I had been was gone and I had to start my life anew.  

After re-learning some basic tasks like learning how to sit up, eat and brush my teeth, I was sent home with a husband whom I did not remember either, accompanied with many “how to” lists for my therapists and myself. I had very little comprehension of life. I had care givers and therapists coming daily during my early recovery, and it was pretty overwhelming. I permanently injured my right hand which was the preferred hand so I had to re-learn to write with left hand. I had to start somewhere! ~grin & wink~

Popular Children’s Author Gigi Sedlmayer interview

Well known and popular children’s author Gigi Sedlmayer interviewed by Uvi Poznansky

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Who inspired you to start writing and how did your craft develop since then?

Surviving cancer and finding myself still alive after two years of just sitting around, but still locked after my two little girls and my husband, Albert, I finally came to my senses again. Since I couldn’t work at a traditional job any longer, I couldn’t stand or sit too long, Albert, my husband, taught me how to use a computer. I started to write, since there was nothing else for me to do. In the beginning I wasn’t sure, in which language I should write. But then I decided to write in English, since my English became better and we live in an English-speaking country.

I wrote many short stories and entered them into competitions and often got very good reports back, which gave me confidence to go on writing and inspired me to go on. One of the short stories was about Talon and Matica. Judges from the competition loved the story and so I thought, I could develop a series about Talon and Matica. And so the TALON series came to life.

And my English is getting better and better and my ideas as well. My head is full with great ideas for the next books in the Talon series.


Facing Demons

Facing Demons is a journey of enlightenment and self-discovery. It tells of one woman’s struggle against being controlled, mentally abused, how she dealt with it and how she overcame it. It is also a story of growth and enlightenment.

During her childhood  years, Marion is all but ignored by her father, when all she wants are kind words and hugs. Her school years were traumatic with dyslexia, until it was diagnosed in her teens.

As she grows and matures, she find she has chosen the same type of men to partner her and each relationship ends up the same – controlling and sapping her energy and spirit. Until the last one.…

FutureQuest – Building an Awesome World Future by Albert Sedlmayer

FutureQuest is a book about the future – a new sustainable world future. A future that everyone can take part in and help to build. We all share this planet and we can all do something towards improving our current situation. No matter how small you feel your part may be, its still important in…

Interview with Ronelle Smith

ENCOUNTER by Ronelle Smith Ronelle Smith is author of ENCOUNTER, the first book in a series of five about 13-year-old Jonathon Newman-Smith, who is gifted with unusual talents. After reading the book, and being totally enthralled by the adventure, I decided to find out more as to what initiated the story. I will let her…