Whispers Among the Prairie

Set in the American West Whispers among the Prairie features the plight of the Southern Cheyenne’s lead by Chief Black Kettle. They seek peace with the white man but find war through the battles of Sand Creek and the Washita.


One particular woman named Morning Dove becomes a bridge between her own world and the other world that threatens her way of life. Black Kettle is her guardian and insists she learns the English language. Little does she realise that a chance meeting with Captain Clinton McKay would change her destiny and everything she believed in.


Enter Captain Clinton McKay, after the civil war he becomes stationed at Fort Laramie, Indian skirmishes abound and has a brief romance with Nancy, the General’s daughter. One day Nance disappears while riding out of the fort’s grounds and is never seen again.

The friendship of Morning Dove and Clinton develop at Camp Supply after the battle of the Washita. Friendship turns into love and is a complete surprise to them. Eventually they confess their love for each other but have to sneak around and hide their love so no one knows. They know their love won’t be accepted into mainstream society which is anti- Native American at this point.


Captain Clinton McKay is presumed dead after a stagecoach attack but survives with the other passengers trespassing over the prairie lands and finding safety at an army fort. Morning Dove hears reports of the attack and comes to the conclusion that Clinton is dead and eventually marries a tribe member.


Once Clinton comes back to see Morning Dove, his heart is broken and feels it will never be repaired. He takes an assignment to Texas to stem the Comanche uprising but he never makes it there and turns back to win Morning Dove’s love.


Clinton is seen as a deserter and is wanted by the army, he is found guilty and is sent to be killed by firing squad but The Cheyenne Dog Soldiers rescue him by creating havoc and fighting the soldiers at the fort.



Author Bio

Michelle Roberts

Michelle’s interest and passion for the American West started when she saw the movie Dances with Wolves. It prompted her to read as much as she could on this era and on Native American Indians. This led her, in time, to travel to some amazing historical sites and national parks in North America, such as the Battle of the Little Bighorn memorial site, the sacred Black Hills in South Dakota, Monument Valley and Yellowstone.

She completed a historical fiction writing course that led her to develop the plot for Whispers among the Prairie and, with perseverance, to write a complete novel — her first. Outside of writing, Michelle is currently studying vet- erinary nursing, and will be graduating this year. She loves all animals, but her favourite would have to be the Border Collie, so loyal, smart and a dedicated friend.

Visit Michelle’s website











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