The University of Life – And How I Graduated Free

5 Star Readers Favourite Award
Reviewed by Vincent Dublado for Readers’ Favorite

If you crave an engaging spiritual or New Age experience as an alternative method of reclaiming yourself, consider this book as your initial step toward awakening. With solid references at her disposal, complemented with a clear, no-nonsense explanation of her own psychic experiences, Joan Miller opens your awareness as to how your perceptions, ways of being, and understanding of the world become harmonized, making you feel more connected to the world. As many of us are continuously repressed by external expectations, this inner spiritual knowing that Miller introduces gives a new sense of appreciation and peace of mind. You owe it to yourself to break free from the dissonance between your inner perspectives and the outer world. Reading this book may help you take the first step. Welcome to The University of Life!


If you question the reason you are here at this time, or the reason you were born, this book is a must for you!


Learn how to ‘spring-clean’ your life in order to move forward in a New Age. Joan helps you to understand how to utilise your own psychic abilities, seek out new paradigms that are nourishing to your soul and to find the peace that passes all understanding.


This book is a testimonial to how emotional and physical pain can be a catalyst for spiritual growth and an opportunity for a greater realm of possibilities. Joan’s book will shine a light on your path and assist you with your journey to wholeness. Her explanation of the ‘psychic anatomy’ and advice on integrating body, mind and spirit will be a valuable guide to all who read it.


Joan Miller sets the stage with the story of her life and her search for an understanding of her own psych-spiritual gifts. From an era when clairvoyance was classed as illegal and punishable under the ‘vagrancy act’ to the present day when psychic abilities are considered a gift, her explanation of the ‘psychic anatomy’ and advice on integrating body, mind and spirit will be a valuable guide to all who read it.


Joan has been a clairvoyant-medium for forty-four years.


Author Bio

Joan Miller

Joan married early at nineteen and has five grown children. When she was twenty-five they bought land at Grays Point, Port Hacking in Sydney and built their first home. Then a few years later moved to Lae, Papua New Guinea. My husband was the Head Electrician at a factory that was built to manufacture bottles for the South Pacific Brewery. I worked part-time managing a building company office.

Our home in Papua was situated adjacent to the beach where many lakatois (canoes) came ashore from villages down the coast from Lae. I befriended the people of Labu Talli, offering a free ‘taxi’ service to women carrying heavy goods to the market place. Over a three year period, my friendship with the village people grew and they built a beautiful holiday cabin for my family with the beach at the front and a creek at the rear. We travelled to the village in a boat we bought, crossing the bar into a lagoon and tying our boat up to a Pandanus tree behind our house.

In 1970 I wrote the first dictionary of the Yahapa dialect… the language of the Labu people. The first official dictionary was written 1986 in 1986 by a professor from the Armidale University.

Over many years I visited my friends in New Guinea. On one occasion collecting 300 toys and clothes for the people: They returned my friends generosity by making carvings and billums. In a special ceremony, I was initiated into the tribe receiving official papers to denote that I am officially a member of the Labu Talli tribe of Huon Gulf, Papua New Guinea.

After our return from New Guinea, the adoption of a baby girl and my giving birth to another baby girl, we required a larger home and moved to Queensland, building a home overlooking Moreton Bay.

Following the birth of my fifth child, major surgery and then a marriage breakdown, my psychic abilities began to emerge. A clairvoyant I visited organised for me to work in The Tiki Tea Lounge reading cups. That was my introduction to what has now been a forty-six year career.

With money from the sale of the family home, I purchased 10.5 acres of land at Mount Burrell in the Nightcap Ranges of Northern New South Wales. That was a Godsend! Magnificent views of Mount Warning and a spring-fed creek. Within the next few years the property changed from a barren cow paddock to a botanic garden with flower and fruit trees of many kinds.

During the process of buying my country property, I met my second husband. My brother, Bob, a builder, assisted us to build our home and Mitana Transpersonal Research Centre. For many years I hosted weekend retreats based on Inner Peace, Self-Awareness and Psychic Ability. The late Dr. John Whitman-Ray was a regular lecturer at my centre.

In 1991 I achieved a Diploma in Clinical Hypnotherapy. Psychology and Clinical Procedures. I also studied Transpersonal Psychology and Spiritual Emergence with Dr. Stanislav Grof.

This year, 2022, I gained a Diploma in Motivational Speaking.

After a divorce fifteen years ago, I sold my country property and built a new home in Murwillumbah, then later sold and bought my present home in Goonellabah, NSW.

I enjoy many creative gifts. Playing piano, oil painting, sewing, gardening, writing poetry. I have made wedding regalia, wedding bouquets, wedding cakes and even upholstered furniture. In 2010 Country Energy placed an oil painting of a seascape I had executed in the top ten of Australia.

The launch of my recently published book “The University of Life and How I Graduated Free’ on 5th November, 2022 was a resounding success. Many of the sixty people attending the function have been part of my journey for over forty years.


I am planning to publish a children’s book… Positive-itty and Negative-ness in 2023.



Twenty four years ago I travelled to Thailand, England, Scotland, Ireland and Canada. On Vancouver Island I visited the magnificent Butchart Gardens which became the inspiration for some of my paintings.


Five years ago I was a contestant on ‘Who Wants to be a Millionaire’ hosted by Eddie McGuire. After gaining $1,000 on Fastest Finger, I succeeded in winning $50,000. That enabled me to travel the world.


During the next three years, I travelled to Machu Picchu, Easter Island, Egypt… climbing to the King’s Chamber in the Great Pyramid and sailing down the Nile, travelling through France and Italy, sailing the Mediterranean and visiting the islands of Delos and Santorini.


One of my clients invited me to Washington D.C., which became the setting off point for travels to New York, Niagara Falls, Los Angles, Disneyland, Las Vegas, Monument Valley, Grand Canyon and San Francisco.


At age 84 years, I grow my own vegetables and flowers and remain very active.




Clairvoyance entails:

Clairsentience: The ability to perceive emotional or psychic energy that is imperceptible to the five standard senses.

Clairaudience: Receiving information through the ‘inner ear’… psychically.

Mediumship:  The ability to act as a ‘spiritual telephone’ to connect people in the spiritual domain with relatives and friends on planet Earth.



PRICE: AUD$150.00.


Joan is planning workshops in 2023 and will advertise these on Facebook. Please keep an eye on her website for details:


The launch of my recently published book “The University of Life and How I Graduated Free’ on 5th November, 2022 was a resounding

Success.  Many of the sixty people attending the function have been part of my journey for over forty years.

A children’s book… Positive-itty and Negative-ness… will be published in 2023.


Visit Joan’s website for further information: