The Castle in the Air

Emma and Kit promised to stay in Miami harbour, they also promised to stay in the harbour. But, like all best laid plans and promises of curious children, they didn’t listen. Kit swore he knew what he was doing when he steered them just out of the harbour. He knew what he was doing, till he didn’t. 
Kit and Emma are transported to the Castle in the Air, hidden inside a time warp in the Bermuda Triangle away from the knowledge of humans. The Castle is under the care of The Old Man, an all knowing being who would like to open the Castle to all humans. But, not everyone in the castle is happy with this plan, and they are most certainly not happy with The Old Man, or the presence of Emma and Kit.
Emma and Kit spend the next seven days among the castles residences and doing everything they can to help prepare for the upcoming election. The election that will decide the fate of the castle and its residence. 

Author Bio

Leading a lonely existence as a child had its drawbacks for Adelaide-born Jillie Collings but ultimately, burying herself in mystery books proved to be her saviour.
After graduating with an arts degree and an unpublished book in her luggage Jillie moved to London to seek fame, fortune and a remedy for that was at the time considered to be a fatal disease.
While in London awaiting health test results she became interested in Palmestry, graphology and Astrology, going on to study them. She landed her first job as an investigatory feature writer on Woman magazine,just prior to her publishing her first book. 
As a graphologist she analysed the handwriting of many famous and infamous people in the world from Princess Di,Joan Collins and Earry Humphries to Neilson, a mass murderer better known as the Black Panther.
She was an avid reader as evidenced by her home which was filled with bookshelves everywhere, even in the garage.’! can’t imagine ever feeling so passionate about e-books, even if they take up less space.’
The theme for The Castle in the Air was given to her by a lovely old Chinese man in spirit. He said it was time for children to learn that there are other dimensions beyond this world. 
Jillie is no longer with us, and her husband Ben is re-publishing The Castle in the Air in her memory.