Taquida Falls

Emily Hargreaves loves the simple life. Working as a nurse at the local hospital she lives with her trusty dog, Jay-Lo, in the mountains just out of Taquida Falls, the town where she grew up.

Emily loves getting out amongst nature and going for a run when she can. It’s on one of these early morning runs something unexpected occurs where Emily finds herself facing death, and she begins to question her faith – or lack thereof. Will this incident be the end for her? Is there a God? What lies beyond death? Is she ready to die?

It seems all hope is lost, when a tall, dark, mysterious stranger appears out of nowhere and Emily can tell immediately he isn’t just any ordinary guy. Is he her saviour? Or has he come to deliver her the fate she has been forced to accept?

What follows is an introduction into a world she has spent her whole life trying to avoid. A world of Faith, the Supernatural and Forbidden Love.

When tragedy strikes the small town of Taquida Falls, and Emily’s estranged father’s life hangs in the balance in the nearby city of Shearwater, she and her friends set off on a journey that will change their lives forever. Will she get to him in time? Will she even get to say goodbye? Time is running out and Emily doesn’t know if they can do it on their own and her faith is put to the test. There is one who can help them all, but does she dare open herself up to that which she has refused to believe all her life?


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Author Bio

Ben Whillas

I’ve always had a fascination with angels since I was a young boy. This, mixed with a wild imagination and the ability to be able to write stories, has led me on a journey of many adventures to far away places and exotic lands inside my mind. I’ve used this over the years to escape to a place beyond reality and take a break from the real world I’m a part of. I enjoyed writing stories throughout school and discovered through my teachers that I could write a story quite well. Although I have gravitated towards the visual arts more so throughout my life, mainly painting with oils and the odd charcoal drawing, in the back of my mind I have always had the idea of someday writing a book.

Acting has played a part in my life also, and I have had the great pleasure of being able to take part in a few short films over the years which I have absolutely enjoyed. 

This is my first actual book I have seriously pursued and it has been an awesome journey. To finally see something that I have imagined in my mind on paper, and also allows others to be able to share in, is a pleasure beyond words and I am forever grateful to be given the opportunity to share a piece of my imagination with others.

Certain characters in this book are loosely based on people I have met over the years who have stuck in my mind. In regards to our main male character, Gabriel, who also happens to be an angel, he’s a character I’ve thought about for many years and one I’ve contemplated being a central character who I have wanted to base a story around for quite some time, but wanted to make the story an appropriate one. Then along came Emily and I began to think, ‘What if an angel fell in love with a human?’ ‘How could that even work?’ And so began the thought process that eventually led me to this story of forbidden love and unexplored possibilities.

As this is a work of fiction, I have been able to use certain freedoms with my storytelling and hope it allows whoever reads this the opportunity to forget about reality, even for a little while, and delve into a world of fantasy.

I want to take this opportunity to thank you for taking a moment out of your life to jump head first into a realm of romance, adventure, and the supernatural. I hope it has allowed you to take a break from the real world and to take a much needed breath, that we all need sometimes so we can carry on with our everyday lives.

B. J. Whillas lives in a little country town on the southern coast of Australia. He enjoys writing, painting and acting, and hopes to be able to travel around the world one day.