Starlady – The True Story of Valerie and Mr Dickens

Valérie is a Starlady. Her mission is to speak of the sacred Aborigine Alcheringa Stone, the seven sisters of the Pleiades, the early evolution of Planet Earth and creation of the first humans. She also reveals hidden aspects of her and John’s story, such as the Egyptian Pyramids, Jesus’ family, the missing manuscript of the Cathars, The Knights Templar, Jehanne d’ Arc and Mr Charles Dickens, to name a few.

She shares her guidance by her mentor and the insights into many ‘mysterious’ unexplained events throughout history.

Valérie and John came to earth as two of the 144,000 souls from the galaxy Andromeda M31, who are on this planet to assist with the raising of consciousness and its new birth into the Golden Age, and to speak of the reality of other races who exist in the Star Worlds.

The Earth and human lives are not what they seem. Have you thought about why you are here, and where you came from? Life here on Earth can be magic if we make the right choices…

Valérie is an experienced medium, an advanced meditation teacher, and has developed an understanding of how regression into our Soul’s Cosmic Conciousness can heal our soul and body.

Author Bio

Valerie Barrow

Valerie Barrow

Valérie Barrow

Valerie’s life changed dramatically when she nearly died and came back to the living. Or that is what she thought at first – only to find that she had the ability to speak with Others
from unseen worlds.

When on a visit to an Ashram in India she was blessed with an interview with an Avatar who she found she could communicate with telepathically, even though she was sitting immediately in front of him.

He personally blessed a manuscript she had written where she was prompted to write from a different consciousness that helped her to gain insight about the evolution of the Earth and humans while she was holding a sacred stone that belonged to the Australian Indigenous people.

Over the past 35 years she has been taught many things telepathically – including basic subjects like chemistry, biology and ancient history and learning to love oneself.

She has remained a very normal, lovely human, empathetic, intelligent, common sense, gentle lady, wife, mother and grandmother; caring about people. At aged 86years she wonders if she could impart, in some way the feeling of Universal Love that she feels and knows is within us all if only we could understand that we have an unlimited consciousness available to us that we can tap into.

There are worlds, upon worlds upon worlds.

The Earth and human lives are not what they seem. Have you thought about why you are here, where you came from and how to deal with life’s challenges?

Life on Earth can be magic if we make the right choices.

The Earth and human lives are not what they seem. Have you thought about why you are here, and where you came from?

Life here on Earth can be magic if we make the right choices…

The Earth and human lives are not what they seem. Have you thought about why you are here, and where you came from?

Life here on Earth can be magic if we make the right choices…

Visit Valerie’s Website