Sacred Consciousness: Healing through Mindfulness

Sacred Consciousness: Healing through Mindfulness is a book written for the 21st Century.

With many people awakening to their spiritual self, Sacred Consciousness offers a mix of mindfulness and manifesting techniques, to enrich and enhance your life. It teaches about the collective consciousness that is our plant (planet?), and provides a scientific explanation of spiritual phenomena throughout history.

Dr Michael Tirant teaches us how to expand our current reality as a sacred awakening, how to heal your mind and body through mindfulness and meditation, provides spiritual support, combat fear-based thoughts, and guides us to align our conscious and subconscious to our own destiny and empowerment.

Sacred Consciousness has been designed specifically to support everyone holistically during these unprecedented times.

Author Bio

Prof Michael Tirant

Michael Tirant’s spiritual journey started at a very young age, being brought up with strong Christian beliefs. It was ingrained in him to do his best to help others less fortunate than himself. Michael had a very enquiring mind and started questioning the concept of God at a very early age , as to who was God, and what was the relationship between God and him. He wanted answers as to the relationship between God, mankind and the vastness of the sky, often watching the stars at night.

As Michael grew up he became an avid reader, especially about inspirational and spiritual leaders that resonated with his soul. He searched for answers of who he was, what was his future, and that there was more to life than he was being told by his elders. This natural curiosity is now paralleled in his work as a medical researcher and doctor seeking the whats, whys and hows in the cause, treatment and management of diseases.

As a boy he dreamed of being a pilot but that dream was quickly shattered after a serious accident when a truck tore through the side of the bus he was in , leaving him with horrific injuries. As he laid in distress in his hospital bed, the doctors explained to him and his family they had a twenty-four hour window before amputating his arm to prevent gangrene setting in. “You cannot amputate my arm!”, he cried out.

As he laid sobbing in his bed he called upon the Divine for help, questioning why him, the unfairness and what was to become of him.

That night something incredible happened that continues to baffle doctors even today – not only was his arm miraculously saved and healed, but his belief system was further strengthened when he realised that everything is possible. This strong belief in the Divine and himself laid the foundations for all the medical research work that lay ahead of him as he tirelessly came up with solutions for the most severe and serious skin conditions baffling the profession.
Along the way, Michael has seen countless examples illustrating the innate ability that we all have to create the life we want with the belief that everything is possible, if you know what to do. His commitment to the betterment of mankind is the drive behind his book. He has developed and provided a step-by-step plan in the book to empower others, to enrich their lives and take control of their destiny, for no-one else will.

Today, Michael looks back at the accident, however difficult it was, as the best thing that happened to him and knows that it was the catalyst for the life he was meant to live .

Professor Michael Tirant is Professor of Dermatology at University of Rome G. Marconi, Rome, Italy and Hanoi Medical University, Hanoi, Vietnam. He is the founder and Principal Consultant, specializing in Integrative Dermatology, and Director at Psoriasis Eczema Clinic and Research Centre in Melbourne, Australia.
Prof. Tirant has been an advisor for Australia and South East Asia for the dermatology disabilities of the Vitiligo Research Foundation at the Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC), United Nations. He has presented at many international dermatology conferences, including World Vitiligo Day, World Summit of Dermatology, Hanoi; Vitiligo Meeting, Rome Vitiligo Congress and numerous EADV meetings including, Geneva, Paris, Prague and Budapest and ICAMP meetings in Rome. He has also lectured in different fields of dermatology and General Medicine including Genetics, Microbiology, Biochemistry, Anti-aging Medicine and Nutritional Medicine.

Michael is an Advisor to the Scientific Editorial Board at the Hanoi National Hospital of Dermatology and Venereology. He is a member of the Editorial Board of Dermatologic Therapy Journal, Wiley-Blackwell, and the Journal of Global Dermatology. He is a Scientific Reviewer for a number of sectorial journals, including Dermatologic Therapy.
His special interests are pathogenesis and integrated treatment approach for psoriasis, eczema, vitiligo and other autoimmune disorders and has published over 150 international papers, authored and co-authored several chapters and seventeen books in dermatology and medical sciences, including Textbook and Atlas of Dermatology, Springer- Clinical Cases in Pigmentary Disorders and Clinical Cases in Melanoma.

Currently, his research is focused on superantigen involvement in dermatological conditions. The research has found strong links between staphylococcal enterotoxin B and Streptococcal pyogenes C and psoriasis and atopic eczema flare ups. This has led to the current development of topical and systemic medications that specifically target these superantigenic toxins. Preliminary studies show promising results. He is also working on Staphylococcus aureus antimicrobial resistance, biofilms and quorum sensing.

Prof. Tirant is a Pioneer in the field of Integrative Dermatology, having a holistic approach to the treatment of dermatological diseases, combining the best of conventional and alternative treatment approaches, leading to the evolution of Integrative Dermatology. His motto is to “address triggers that flare up dermatological diseases, as well as treating the symptoms”. Integrative Dermatology is now used worldwide in the treatment and management of skin diseases.
Michael’s book, Sacred Consciousness: Healing through Mindfulness is a culmination of the years of experience in his fields of expertise, and blended with the spiritual element he possesses from his early life ‘’accident’’.