Long Pork – Behind the Bamboo Curtain in West Papua

Doctor Liza wants to help the Papuans with her medical service, but Arthur wants to help them by selling them guns for gold.

Their worlds collide in the unforgiving wilderness, after surviving a helicopter crash near the Freeport Grasberg Mine, the largest gold mine in the world.

Here, Liza and Arthur meet Konia, who travels the forests on foot collecting recruits for his crew of Freedom Fighters.

As the tensions between the Freedom Fighters, the Army and the billion-dollar gold trade escalates, it has also become a race against time with the monsoon season closing in on them.

Author Bio

Mandy Partridge

Mandy Partridge has an BA and MA, and edited the University of Queensland’s paper, Semper Floreat.

in 1991. At Semper, Mandy met some great writers such as John Birmingham, Dirk Flinthart and Helen Dale.

Partridge worked at the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Commission, wrote for the Independent Monthly, and has worked in hospitality and security. Mandy is politically active with the Free West Papua Association, and Indigenous and Environmental movements.

Mandy also wrote for the theatre, ‘Parasitic Twins and Extra Limbs’, co-wrote ‘Take a Deep Breath’ in Brisbane, ‘Alice’s Excellent Adventure’ and ‘Death Wears a Red Nose’ in Perth. She wrote ‘Mistress Mandarella’s New Boots’ back in Brisbane, with one scene appearing on ‘Australia’s Got Talent’.

In 2015, Mandy wrote her first nonfiction book, ‘Acrobalances’ for Hudson Publishing, Melbourne.
Since 2016, Mandy has been the official Town Crier for Brisbane city, and has represented her city around Australia and in Canada.