A Curious Place

A Curious Place…

Well, four actually, and in each you will meet some interesting and unusual folk and animals. They are all pretty cool, just like you, so why not go there now and read their stories.

In one place, Zac lets you know about a problem he has with his shorter leg and how a tiny ant helps him carry his heavy load.

In another place, there is a lonely girl, Tessy, who finds out about how kindness can change everything.
And in another, there is Winston and Eloise, who know all about feeling lonely after they become orphaned, but you won’t believe what happens after a strange lady enters their lives.

Finally, you get to meet two wild looking creatures, Tosca and Bella, as both find themselves in a very scary place… just before a great surprise!

Feel inspired that you joined them here as they all welcome you to visit their special places.

Author Bio

Barbara Woodwoard

We are all on a journey of self- discovery and no matter what your circumstance in life, know that you matter. I have shared some of my own journey through my writings and I hope those endeavours help you focus on your personal abilities and achievements by choosing your thoughts carefully. I refer to this process as choosing a ‘change of heart’ as our emotions form the basis of most of our thinking.

My overriding philosophy of life is that when we are open to new perspectives, we can discover how any ‘setbacks’, ‘disappointments’, ‘mistakes’, or feelings of ‘failings’, can be viewed as valuable learning opportunities that can pave the way for future success; seeing things in a different light.

Our usual learned habits when faced with stressful situations is to act according to conditioned and instinctive reactions that so often can lead to a cycle of mental, emotional and physical disharmony. My quest through my writings is to inspire you to think differently about how your perceive events in your life. But also, I hope to share some fun with you through my stories, and the people contained in the pages of my books as they share with you how they overcame their difficulties and found joy in their lives.

My early years as one of five children to hard working migrant parents from war-torn Europe, taught me how to take responsibility for myself. I learned how to appreciate small or simple pleasures and to take nothing for granted. I feel sure I was guided by love and I instinctively knew there is far more to our existence than what we see before us. Throughout history there are many examples of how prominent philosophers understand how we are all connected by a universal consciousness that is powered by love and they teach us how we can tap into that universal ‘grid’ for our benefit.

(I do have some wonderful quotes by prominent individuals about this specific topic in my book)

There are many places and individuals that can inspire us to see much of your world as wonderful and beautiful, by sharing their own stories and experiences. My book Rainbow People, offers you a way of viewing disability positively so please do take the opportunity to take a peek at it. Also if you visit the Gallery, you will get to meet some of the people who consider themselves as ordinary folk but who found strength to move forward and value their abilities.