A League of Judges

Something evil is afoot in the court of law

Chief Justice Selwyn Baxter has begun to suspect that some judges of the Supreme Court are involved in corruption. Recovering after heart surgery, he convinces business consultant Neil Ashton to investigate the matter for him. But what Neil finds could spell danger for more than just himself…

A weak moment after the death of his wife left Justice Robert Rixon at the mercy of a criminal syndicate that now controls his life. Accustomed to the status of power of life as a judge, Rixon will go to any lengths not to have to step down…

As the accusations of the corruption mount, and Neil’s investigation circles closer to secrets Rixon would rather keep hidden, one question remains – will the halls of justice ever be clean again?


5 STAR Readers Favourite Review – Reviewed by Anelynde Smit

A League of Judges by Peter Bathie is an extraordinary novel. The thrilling storyline has you engrossed from the first page. The characters are all so relatable that you forget you are reading a book and start worrying about their safety. It was hard to put down because I felt that as the story became more complex, I needed to know more. I loved the character of Allan Adams because even if what he did was technically wrong by playing vigilante, you rooted for him anyway. You wanted Rixon’s head on the chopping block and rightfully so. I found the language to be exceptional and the words roll off the tongue like honey as you read. The author’s use of uncommon words makes you want to look them up to see if they are real. A very good story. I highly recommend this book to thrill seekers.



Author Bio

Peter Bathie

I migrated from England to Australia with my wife shortly after we were married. We felt that Australia would give us, and any children we may have, the opportunity to achieve a satisfying and enjoyable life.
Like many migrants we arrived with very little money, however, we were luckier than some, as we were able to stay with my brother and his wife rather than starting off in a hostel.

We have never regretted our decision. Australia is a beautiful country and has a wonderful open society that offers those who are able the chance for success in many areas.

My first job was with a firm of accountants, and my wife worked as a stenographer until the first of our two lovely daughters arrived on the scene.

Later on, I joined a subsidiary of a Swedish Engineering Company, where I stayed until I retired.

During this time, I studied to qualify for a Bachelor of Business degree. It meant that my wife and daughters didn’t get to see a lot of me, and I’m forever grateful for their support.

After I retired, I decided that I would either learn to play the piano or write a novel. I chose a novel, thinking it would prove to be easier than learning scales, but now I’ve finished, I’m not so sure.

However, I’ve thoroughly enjoyed writing A League of Judges, and I hope it will give pleasure to others.