Poetry and Hot Chocolate

Poetry and Hot Chocolate is book two in a series of four books.

The windows frosted up with falling flakes
The snow grew denser and covered footsteps
As the fire started to soften its crackling
The smooth serene-sounding radio took its place
The living room felt cosy as I snuggled into my blanket
And forgot the troubles that resided in my past
Instead enjoying the current moment
Looking at the frozen tears of God that eloquently descended
I took a whiff of the vanilla-scented candles
That propelled me to scribble down a few poems
While I sipped my bliss-infused hot chocolate

Author Bio

Vansh Sharma

Vansh Sharma is a published poet from Sydney, Australia who is in year 9.

He has a strong passion for writing poems about things from his day to day life and aspires to publish many more books that encapsulate aspects of nature and the environment. He is improving his writing skills and learning how to be the best author he can be. He is looking forward to future accomplishments and anthologies.