Indicator of a Curse

Roaring flames and scorched skin wake Sarah each night.

Searching for answers to this enigmatic nightmare, Sarah discovers that in a past life she was burnt at the stake for witchcraft.

To heal the horrors of her past life, Sarah visits a regressionist who sends her back to 16th Century England. Under the tyrannical rule of King Henry VIII, she lives out her last days in this doomed reality with no control over her fate.

While Sarah believes this manifestation can’t bring her harm in the present, there is no telling what might come back with her.

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Author Bio

Lesley A. Meldrum

Lesley was born and raised in the Queensland outback.

She comes from a diverse background, comprised of the ancestral roots of the Gaelic Scots and Australian Aborigines, as well as heritage in Afghanistan, China, England, and Ireland.

Lesley has always been interested in the allure of the unknown and the supernatural.
She believes herself to be a seeker on a spiritual journey.

As reincarnation is an important personal belief of Lesley’s, it has become a major focus of her debut novel, Indicator of a Curse.

Another element woven into the novel is Lesley’s fascination with the bizarre and unbelievable tales of the ancient and medieval eras. The witch-hunts of Early Modern Europe are a particularly horrid stain in the history books that deserve our attention.

Lesley’s love of literature and creative writing has been with her all of her life, and despite the distractions that life presents us all with, her dream of one day writing a novel never left her. She has learnt a great deal from the experience and hopes you enjoy reading it as much as she enjoyed writing it and that you may discover something more too.