
Cash has been abolished in a strategic move to force the population to be ‘marked’ with identifying barcodes.

Elisha Dullard is warned of the coming cataclysm in the Book of Revelation, but doesn’t believe it until she discovers her friend’s dead body.

Elisha may find true love, but she also learns the terrifying capacity for human persecution.

Technology rules in this cashless society, where citizens are marked with identifying barcodes that track every transaction they make.

But one young woman, Elisha, uneasy about the unquestioning dependence on technology and its dominance over people’s lives, refuses to be marked. Like others who resist, she pays dearly for failing to conform to society and finds herself cut off from her friends and family.
Elisha fights even harder to remain unmarked when someone warns her that the human barcodes are a sign of the End of Times. The question is, can one person’s rebellion prevent the end of the world?

Author Kate Hansen’s part dystopian, part-fantasy tale is a mirror of our own high-tech-dependent world, and a timely reminder that technology should be handled thoughtfully.

Author Bio

Kate Hansen was born, bred and still lives on Victoria’s beautiful Mornington Peninsula. She has travelled extensively with her husband and son and is also the author of the children’s book Bandah.

She makes no secret of the fact that she loves cash and her strong views of technology’s failings and human gullibility are echoed in her book Unmarked.

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